Name | Numeracy Unit B2 |
Owner | Bod |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | B2 |
Description | |
File 1 | 243_Numeracy plan Y1 B2.doc |
File 2 |
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OBJECTIVES: keyobjectives in bold Describe simplepatterns and relationships involving numbers or shapes; decidewhether examples satisfy given conditions Solve problemsinvolving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling or halving in thecontext of numbers, measures or money. Say the number thatis one more or less than a given number, and ten more or less formultiples of ten. Derive and recall allpairs of numbers with a total of ten and addition facts for totalsto at least five; work out the corresponding subtractionfacts. Recall the doubles ofall numbers to at least ten. Visualise and namecommon 2-D shapes and 3-D solids and describe their features; usethem to make pictures, patterns and models. Take turns to speak,listen to others suggestions and talk about what they are going todo.
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DATE | Objectives | Learningoutcomes | Mental/oral | Teachingactivity | Independent & groupwork | Guidedwork | Resources &ICT | Plenary |
Day 1 (Thurs) | Say the number thatis one more or less than a given number, and ten more or less formultiples of ten. | I can say the numberthat is one more or one less than a number. | Count in 10s from anynumber. Say one more and oneless than a number. (Hundred square)Count to 100 changing voice at each multiple of 10 | Show 8 cubes askhow many there would be if you put one more out. How could we findthis out on a number line if we didnt have any cubes? How could wewrite it down? Repeat with severalnumbers. | HA (Yellow) Quickfire recall counting on and back numbers to 100. Against the clock oral and whiteboards. (MOB)
MA (Red) - Quick firerecall counting on and back numbers to 100. Sheet. | LA (Blue) Recapcounting on and back on a number line. One more/one less to20. (KB) | Worksheet 1 more, 1 less(MA)
Hundred square
| Quick selfassessment. (Thumbs up/thumbsdown) Ho do you know thatyou can do it tell partner. Pitfall when usinga number line. Tomorrow tens. |
Day 2 (Fri) | Say the number thatis one more or less than a given number, and ten more or less formultiples of ten. | I can say the numberthat is ten more or ten less than a number. | Recap yesterday onemore/one less than given number (as class) Can you ask me a onemore/less question? How will you know if Im right? 10 more/ less Saynumber and class give 10 more/ less. Look at pattern on hundredsquare. | I say/We say Counting in 10s from any given number. I will clap where anumber is missing can you tell me what the missing numberis? 10, 20, 30, CLAP,50 12, 22, 32, 42, CLAP,62 15, 25, CLAP, 45, 55,65
| HA (Yellow) Counting on and back in 10s from any given number (sheet)
MA (Red) Quick firerecall counting in 10s, 10 more/less. Quick fire firstto call out. Record onwhiteboards.
| LA (Blue) Recapmain learning outcome using IWB Choose a number and circle it children take turns to highlight 10 more/less. (MOB) | IWB hundredsquare
Sheet 10 more/less(HA) | Self assessment thumbs up/down. How can you check ifyou are right using hundred square tell partner. |
Day 3 (Mon) | Describe simplepatterns and relationships involving numbers or shapes; decidewhether examples satisfy given conditions. | I can use numbers tomake patterns of my own, and I can describe them to others. | Warm up count to 20forwards and backwards. Count in 2s, 5s and10s. Use hundred square. Me counting and ch. listening -What isthe pattern for each? Counttogether. | Write a pattern onboard can children tell me what comes next in thesequence? 2, 4, 6, 8,____ 5, 10, 15, 20,_____ 10, 20, 30, 40,_____ Tell talk partnerfirst, and then tell me. What is the pattern?How do you know? How can you check if you are right? | HA (Yellow) Usewhiteboards work with a partner to make up own patterns and seeif partner can continue it. Try 2s, 5s, 10s patterns.
MA (Red) MOB give apattern (eg. 2s pattern) and ch to make pattern usingmultilink/bears/beads. Describe pattern topartner and MOB. Repeat with 1s, 5s,10s | LA (Blue) Recapmain learning objective. Use IWB game to find 1s 2s 5s patterns.Rainforest maths year 1/patterns (KB)
| Whiteboards andpens.
Set up IWBgame.
Multilink Bears Beads | Play rainforest gameas class. Reinforce patterns use hundred square. Self assessment thumbs up/down. |
Day 4 (Tues) | Recall the doubles ofall numbers to at least ten. | I can work out orrecall the doubles of numbers up to 5 + 5 or more. | Doubles numberrhyme | Doubles numberrhyme Double 1 is 2. (Putup 1 index finger then the other)
How would we writethe number sentences for these doubles sums? Write on board. 1 + 1 = 2 etc
| HA (Yellow) workwith a friend to write all doubles sum from 1 to 5 in books. Checkanswers using multilink or counters. Go as high and you can. Recordon whiteboards.
LA (Blue) Usemultilink to make a tower (1 to 5 blocks). Challenge children tomake a tower that has double the number of blocks. Reinforce numberrhyme. | MA (Red) Makedoubles using multilink. Record doubles sums on whiteboards(KB) | Counters
IWB game
Doubles rhyme | IWB game
Can children work outthe doubles? Talk with partner about how they worked it out. |
Day 5 (Wed) | Recall the doubles ofall numbers to at least ten. | I can work out orrecall the doubles of numbers up to 5 + 5 or more. | Doubles numberrhyme | Repeat yesterdaysdoubles rhyme. Quick fire questions with class say number andtell talk partner answer then tell me. | HA (Yellow) Challenge say number and children write doubles on board. Beatthe clock. Pairs to test each other. (KB)
MA (Red) Cut andstick the doubles sums. Use multilink to check answers. | LA (Blue) reinforcenumber rhyme again. Do actions and say words with children. Cut andstick the doubles sums. Use multilink to check answers.(MOB) | Counters
Doubles rhyme | IWB game
Day 6 (Thurs) | Solve problemsinvolving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling or halving in thecontext of numbers, measures or money. | I can use what itsays in a problem to work out what sum to do. | Use counting stick watch Freddie where does he jump? Count in 2s as class.When might we need to count in 2s (using money). What does a 2p coinlook like? | Use website todemonstrate that two 1p coins are same value as 2p coin. Same for5p coin and 5 1ps. Children to drag and drop coins.
| HA (Yellow) Pursessheet. Early finishers use a page of maths books to draw somepurses with different amounts of money inside.
MA (Red) Work inpairs to challenge each other to make a certain amount using coins.(MOB?) | LA (Blue) Use coinsto make 1p, 2p, 3p, 4p, 5p put into purses drawn on whiteboards.(KB) | Coins
Whiteboards andpens
IWB game
Worksheet | Quick self assessment thumbs up/down. What is the mistakewe could make when were using 2p coins tell partner. |
Day 7 (Fri) | Solve problemsinvolving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling or halving in thecontext of numbers, measures or money. | I can use what itsays in a problem to work out what sum to do. | I say we say countingin 2s. Then 5s and 10s. When might we need tocount in this way in real life? (Money) | Sit with work partnerwith whiteboard and pen. Click correct amount on IWB game children to discuss and draw different way to make same amountusing different coins. | HA (Yellow) Buyingfruit sheet. The draw into maths coins to buy fruit costingdifferent money.
MA (Red) Work inpairs to challenge each other to make a certain amount using coins.(MOB?) | LA (Blue) Use coinsto make 1p, 2p, 3p, 4p, 5p put into purses drawn on whiteboards.(KB) | Coins
Whiteboards andpens
IWB game
Worksheet | Quick self assessment thumbs up/down. What is the mistakewe could make when were using coins tell partner. |
Day 8 (Mon) | Derive and recall allpairs of numbers with a total of ten and addition facts for totalsto at least five; work out the corresponding subtractionfacts. | I know some pairs ofnumbers which add up to 10. I can use counters ormultilink to add numbers with answers up to 5. | Count to 10 usingfingers forwards and backwards. | How many fingers doyou have? Check! Tell children we aregoing to find out all of the different ways to make 10. Use fingersto help. Start at 10 if weput down 10 fingers, how many more do we need to make 10? Can we write this ina number sentence? 10 + 0 = 10 What about 9? Tellwork partner how many more we need to add to make 10. Numbersentence. | Work with workpartners to derive all addition facts to 10. Use counters ormultilink to check if necessary.
| Tom/Will (MOB) Becky/Jack B(KB) Work with LA to usemultilink to work out these addition facts. | Whiteboards andpens
IWB game
| Feedback onchallenge. Can children tell meall number bonds to 10?
If we know this whatelse do we know? |
Day 9 (Tues) | Derive and recall allpairs of numbers with a total of ten; work out the correspondingsubtraction facts. | I know the pairs ofnumbers that make 10 and am beginning to work out take away answersas well. | Use numberline tocount forwards and backwards. First to 10, then to 20. Quiet voicefor forwards, normal for backwards. | If you know that 7 +3 = 10 , what subtraction facts do you already know? Show example: 10-3=7AND 10-7=3 | Work with workpartner record addition sum (totals to 10) and then record thesubtraction sums you also know. | LA (Blue) Usemultilink (first 5 then 10) lay 10 out on floor. Cover 1 with cup how many are left? Who can tell me using a number sentence?Repeat covering 2,3,4,5 etc (KB) | Simpleworksheet | Feedback on sums-give some examples. |
Day 10 (Wed) | Derive and recall allpairs of numbers with a total of ten and addition facts for totalsto at least five; work out the corresponding subtractionfacts. | I can use counters ormultilink to add numbers with answers up to 5. | Recap addition factsto 10. Write a numbersentence for 6 + 4 = 10 If we know this whatelse do we know? | In pairs whataddition facts can you find using 5 counters? Find as many as youcan. | HA and MA (Yellow andRed) Use 5 counters to find as many addition facts as you can.(then using 10 counters). Record in maths books. Can work with workpartner.
| LA (Blue) Go overmain activity use multilink to make as many sums as possible. Onwhiteboards. (MOB) | Whiteboards andpens
| Feedback ontask. Self assessment usingthumbs up/down. |
Day 11 (Thurs) | Derive and recall allpairs of numbers with a total of ten and addition facts for totalsto at least five; work out the corresponding subtraction facts inthe context of money. | I can use myknowledge of pairs of numbers that make 10 to work out moneyproblems. | Tap bells that arehidden behind screen. Children to count taps. Start with 2 taps increase to 10. Close eyes if youfind it easier. | Tell children theywill be solving some problems involving money. Sit with workpartners. Tom and Will near meat front.
John bought sometoffees that cost 6p. He gave the shopkeeper a 10p coin. Whatchange did he get? Which coins do youthink the shopkeeper would have used?
How did you work itout? | HA and MA Work withwork partners to solve these problems as I read them out writeanswers on whiteboards.
James buys a biscuitfor 7p. What change will he get from 10p? What coins will theshopkeeper use?
Anna buys two 2psweets. How much does she spend? How much change will she have from10p?
Amy buys an apple for3p and a banana for 4p. How much does she spend? How much changewill she have from 10p? | LA (Blue) Pot ofmoney in middle. Say I went to the shop and I bought anapple that cost 2p Ch to find correct money. (Do theyhave different ways to make same amount?) Repeat using1,2,3,4,5p. Then buy 2 items withamounts up to 5p can they find coins? (MOB) | Money
Whiteboards | Working out thesesums what number facts can we use to help us?
Give examples ofadditions and subtraction sums that help us. |
Day 12 (Fri) | Derive and recall allpairs of numbers with a total of ten and addition facts for totalsto at least five; work out the corresponding subtraction facts inthe context of money. | I can use myknowledge of pairs of numbers that make 10 to work out moneyproblems. | Use bells to tapnumber from 1 to 10. Children to tell me the next number. | Give problem to class Sam paid 6p for some chocolate. He used three coins to pay.Which three coins do you think he used? Work with workpartner. Ch to explain how they worked this out. What mathsdid you use? | HA (Yellow) Gobstopper sheet to work out sums using addition and subtraction factsto 10. Record in books.
Write 6p and thendraw coins Then 7p and drawcoins.
MA (Red) work witha partner to work out the gobstopper problems. Record onwhiteboards. Use money to check answers. (MOB) | LA (Blue) givechange using money (5p). I child is shopkeeperwith five 1p coins. Others come to shop and buy items that cost1,2,3,4,5p and shopkeeper gives change. (KB) | Apple, orange,pencil, pen, book
Money | If I know 3p + 2p =5p what else do I know?
2p+3p=5p 5p-3p=2p 5p-2p=3p |
Day 13 (Mon) | Visualise and namecommon 2-D shapes and 3-D solids and describe their features; usethem to make pictures, patterns and models.
| I know the names offamiliar 2d and I can picture these shapes in my head. | Brainstorm the shapesthat the children already know. Where in theclassroom can you see that shape? | Picture a triangle inyour head. Start at the top and walk around the sides of thetriangle. How many sides do you walk around? How many corners doesthe triangle have?
Same withsquare
Same with rectangle.How is a rectangle different to a square?
Same withcircle. |,1, can you guess theshape?
Give clue on IWB andchildren to draw shape on whiteboards. Show were youright? | Whiteboards Pens IWB game | Feedback onshapes Assessment thumbsup/down. Close eyes can youpicture a: triangle/square/circle/rectangle/hexagon/pentagon | |
Day 14 (Tues) | Visualise and namecommon 2-D shapes and 3-D solids and describe their features; usethem to make pictures, patterns and models.
| I know the names offamiliar 2d and I can picture these shapes in my head | Choose children todraw shape on board others to name it. | Clues for 2dshapes Orally discuss withwork partners TOM LAUREN WILL R -MORGAN | All groups Can youfind examples of the shapes in the classroom. HA Find at least 3examples of each and label MA Find at least 2examples and label (MOB) LA Find one exampleand label with support (KB) | Shapeworksheet | Feedback onchallenge
| |
Day 15 (Wed) | Visualise and namecommon 2-D shapes and 3-D solids and describe their features; usethem to make pictures, patterns and models. | I know the names offamiliar 2d and 3d shapes and I can picture these shapes in myhead | Can you complete mypattern Clap clap stamp stampclap clap
How did you know whatcame next? | Patterns (plenarygame)
Can you see thepattern in the shapes and describe it to your work partner, andthen to me? Can you make a newpattern and describe it? | All groups Can youfinish the shape patterns? HA can you make upsome of your own?
| Pattern sheet | Thumbs up/downassessment on patterns | |
Day 16 (Thurs) | Visualise and namecommon 2-D shapes and 3-D solids and describe their features; usethem to make pictures, patterns and models.
| I know the names offamiliar 2d and 3d shapes and I can picture these shapes in myhead | Show and name 3dshapes. What do children already know? | Describe 3d shapes(shapes in centre of circle for children to look at). Can theyguess what I am describing?
| MA Cut out picturesof 3d shapes and stick into books. Label correctly.
LA Go over mainlearning objective again. Describe a 3d shape can they think ofsome real life examples? (MOB) | HA 3d shape sheetto describe properties (KB) | 3d shapes Shape sheet | Thumbs up/down for 3dshapes. |
Day 17 (Fri) | Visualise and namecommon 2-D shapes and 3-D solids and describe their features; usethem to make pictures, patterns and models.
| I know the names offamiliar 2d and 3d shapes and I can picture these shapes in myhead |
To recap onshapes Can LA then find thatshape from the 3d shapes? | Use feely bag with 2dand 3d shapes. Pass in a circle. Can children find a shape anddescribe its properties to guess what it is? | HA Sit back to backwith a friend. Describe a 3d shape to them - can they guess what itis?
MA work in group todescribe a shape can the others guess the shape? (MOB) | Sort and describe 3dshapes what are they called? What do they looklike? Simple describing and guessing game (KB) | Feely bag Shapes (2d and3d) | Self assessment show and name shapes as class. |