Name | Year 2 Castles |
Owner | Pips M |
Level | 2 |
Topic | History |
Unit | Castles |
Description | Unit of work on Castles |
File 1 | 127_Year 2 History planning castles unit 2008.doc |
File 2 |
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| LI/PSC | Introduction KeyQuestions | IndependentSession | Plenary | Assessment ofLearning | ||||||
HA G&T | MA | LA SEN | |||||||||
1 | We are learningthat people live in different sorts of homes Rememberto Look at thehome. What is theproper name of the house? Find thepicture and label it.
| Whatsorts of homes do people live in today? In small groupschildren to create a mind-map of all the different types of homespeople live in today. Showthe children pictures of different sorts of homes. Which ones arelike your home? Which are different? Encourage them to talk abouthomes they are familiar with. Why do people live in different sortsof homes? Select children toplace the correct labels on the pictures of different types ofhomes. | names ofdifferent types of homes, eg caravan, bungalow, terraced house,flat names ofarchitectural features, eg windows, chimneys, doors, roofs, homessheet, homes pictures, | Where did Kingsand Queens live in the past? Show children pictures of differenttypes of castles. Use to showcastles around the world esp. castles for kids
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Children tocomplete activity labelling houses. HA to createown labels e.g. bungalow, flat, detached, semi-detached,terraced | LA/MA to use labelsprovided. CT tosupport as appropriate | ||||||||||
2 | We are learningto identify and to give reasons for the key features of ahome built a long time ago. What was itlike in a castle? What are the key features of a castle? Recordfindings.
| Whatwere castles like and how were they different from homes today?UsePowerPoint as a visual stimulus to support childrenslearning Tellthe children they are going to find out about different sorts ofhomes in the past. Show the children a large picture of a castle.Ask the children to identifythe key features that they can see. Look at how the castle is builtand its different features, eg different building materials, thickwalls, moat, drawbridge,portcullis, well. Discuss with the children the reasons for thesedifferent features. Why did the castle need thick walls and a moat?Why were the windows long and thin? | namesassociated with features in castles eg drawbridge, moat,portcullis, tower, well, kitchenspit, fireplace books andpictures about castles, castles factsheets, PowerPointon castles
| Children tocreate a KWL table- know, want, learn- what do I know aboutcastles? What do I want to find out? What have I learnt?
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UsingInternet (Safe Search!) ask the children to compare the castle withmodern homes. What is different about this home from modern homes?Is it made from the same materials? Are the windows the same shape?What is different about the door? Children to find out about theinteriors of castles in mixed ability pairs and recordfindings. Whatrooms do they have in the castle? What is the kitchen Like? How isthe food cooked? How is the castle heated/lit? What are the washingfacilities like? What is the furniture like? Use tohelp. Childrencomplete worksheet naming key features of castles. CT tosupport as appropriate
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3 | We are learningabout people who used to live in castles Rememberto: Think aboutwhat you already know about people who lived in castles. What didthey do? What clothes did they wear? Find out informationabout these people.
| What can wefind out about people who used to live in castles? What do we knowabout castles? What have we learnt about the different parts of thecastle? Read thechildren stories that use medieval castles as settings.(PaperbagPrincess, The Kiss that Missed, Rapunzel,) Use stories andpictures to talk about the different people who lived in castlesand the different jobs that they would do, eg lord and lady,soldiers, servants, blacksmithsetc. Look at theclothes that these people wore and their possiblepossessions.
| namesassociated with features in castles eg drawbridge, moat,portcullis, tower, well, kitchenspit, fireplace Jobs incastles e.g. jester, king, queen, knight Performingjester worksheet, books set in castles.
| Create a class listof people who would have lived in castles and reasons why they didso.
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In mixed abilitypairs: Write a list ofpeople who lived in castles, referring to a range of sourcesincluding laptops, picture books and reference books. CT tosupport as appropriate | Make ajester Task: Canchildren make other children laugh by performing in the role of ajester?
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4 | We are learningto find out information about castles using a variety ofresources. Read thequestion carefully, use the Internet, books and other resources tofind the answers. Record findings | Look at KWLtable from lesson 2. What can children fill into the Learn column?Children to complete some of this column. Talk about Wcolumn- what do children still want to find out? How can they findthe answers to these questions? | namesassociated with features in castles eg drawbridge, moat,portcullis, tower, well, kitchen spit, fireplace KWL table fromlesson 2 | Share oneinteresting fact that children have found out about castles.
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Use Internet,library and other books to find answers to these questions andrecord info in table. (mixed ability pairs) Also use info from tripto Windsor Castle.. CT tosupport as appropriate
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5 | We are learningto create a fact file using all our information about castles usingPowerPoint.
| Recap onprevious learnt skills on PowerPoint (Brentford CLC). ShowPowerPoint from Lesson 1 as a stimulus. Ask children tothink, pair, share 5 interesting facts they have found out aboutcastles. Record asspider-diagram.
| Pictures fromWindsor Castle, work from last lessons. Powerpoint, PCs,laptops namesassociated with features in castles eg drawbridge, moat,portcullis, tower, well, kitchen spit, fireplace | evaluate theirwork with 3 stars and a wish.
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Children to work inability pairs to create a PowerPoint Presentation all about castlesusing photos from our visit and from resource bank created byCTs | Children to work inability pairs to create a PowerPoint Presentation all about castlesusing photos from our visit and from resource bank created byCTs | Childrento work in ability pairs to create a PowerPoint Presentation allabout castles using photos from our visit and from resource bankcreated by CTs CTsupport | |||||||||