Brenden is Teaching


NameCarrier Bags
TopicDesign Technology
UnitCarrier Bags
DescriptionYear 4 DT - Carrier Bags
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TOPIC:DT -Carrier Bags

TERM:SummerTerm 2007




NC Programme

of Study




Links withICT



Knowledge,skills and understanding


1aGenerate ideas forproducts after thinking about who will use them and what they willbe used for, using information from a number of sources, includingICT-based sources


1bDevelop ideas andexplain them clearly, putting together a list of what they wanttheir design to achieve


1cPlan what theyhave to do, suggesting a sequence of actions and alternatives, ifneeded


1dCommunicate designideas in different ways as these develop, bearing in mind aestheticqualities, and the uses and purposes for which the product isintended


Workingwith tools, equipment, materials and components to make qualityproducts


2aSelect appropriatetools and techniques for making their product


2bSuggestalternative ways of making their product, if first attemptsfail


2cExplore thesensory qualities of materials and how to use materials andprocesses


2dMeasure, mark out,cut and shape a range of materials, and assemble, join and combinecomponents and materials accurately



* To understandthat carrier bags are designed for different purposes and usersbut have common features

* To evaluateproducts and identify criteria that can be used for their owndesigns

* To make labelleddrawings from different views showing specific features


Investigative,Disassembly and Evaluative Activities (IDEAs)


1)With thechildren, carefully examine a collection of different carriers,e.g. paper/plastic carrier bags, wicker basket, handbag, NintendoDS case, camcorder bag, etc.

For a selectionof carriers, discuss the answers to the following questions:

- What materialsare used to make the bag?

- Why is it thesize that it is?

- Why is it theshape that it is?

- Why are therelogos or signs on the bag?

- How were thelogos made?

- Is the materialcheap or expensive?

- What productwould go inside the bag?

- What sort ofperson would use this bag?

- Are there anyadvantages/disadvantages in the choice of materials?

2)Children to doclose observational drawing of one carrier and make notes about itbased upon the questions.


For homework, askthe children to bring in a range of paper carriers.



A collection ofdifferent carriers, e.g. plastic/paper carrier bags, laptop bag,handbag, wicker basket, cash box, etc.






* To investigatethe structure of paper carrier bags

Investigative,Disassembly and Evaluative Activities (IDEAs)

Investigatingcarrier bag handles


1)Ask children tolook closely at the handles and draw an exploded diagram of theirbag.

2)Use the followingquestions to stimulate thinking:

- Is the handlebuilt into the bag? (Some bags have integral handles usuallyreinforced by card)

- What materialswere used for the handle? (This can vary from folded paper, card,plaited threads,

reinforced holeswith metal eyelets)

- How many piecesare used to make the handle?

- How are thepieces joined together?(usually glued)

- Is the handlecomfortable to use?

- Why is there ahandle? (holding a number of bags at once, decorative value, easeof carrying)

3)Children to doclose observational drawings of the handle and respond to thequestions.



A selection ofpaper carrier bags






* To investigatethe structure of paper carrier bags

Investigative,Disassembly and Evaluative Activities (IDEAs)

Disassemblea paper carrier bag

1)Working in pairs,children to take a paper carrier bag apart carefully along one ofits seams and open it out (running scissors between the seam andbag can help).

2)Ask the followingquestions:

- How many partsis the bag made from? (Usually one sheet of paper to allow for massproduction, printing of logo/design, folding by machine.)

- How many foldsare there? (Most bags are very intricately folded.)

- How many seamsare there?

- How are theseams joined together?

- How was the bagmade?

3)Ask the childrento reassemble the bag.


A selection ofpaper carrier bags






TOPIC:DT- Carrier Bags

TERM:SummerTerm 2007


Mrs McClean


NC Programme

of Study




Links withICT

2eUse finishingtechniques to strengthen and improve the appearance of theirproduct


Evaluatingprocesses & products


3aReflect on theprogress of their work as they design and make, identifying waysthey could improve their products


3bCarry outappropriate tests before making any improvements

recognise that thequality of a product depends on how well it is made and how well itmeets its intended purpose


Knowledgeand understanding of materials and components


4aHow the workingcharacteristics of materials affect the ways they are used


Breadthof study


Pupils should betaught the Knowledge, skills and understanding through:


5aInvestigating andevaluating a range of familiar products, thinking about how theywork, how they are used and the views of the people who usethem


5bFocused practicaltasks that develop a range of techniques, skills, processes andknowledge

5cDesign and makeassignments using a range of materials



* To design aproduct for a specific purpose

* To appreciatethe aesthetic qualities of a design

* To draw upsimple design specifications *


Design andMake Assignment (DMA)

Designand make a paper carrier bag


1)Explain to thechildren that they are going to design and make a paper carrier bagand will need to make the following decisions:

- Who will it befor? (e.g. themselves or someone else?)

- What will itcarry? (e.g. shopping, books, clothes, sports kit, etc.)

- What will it bemade from? (e.g. paper, stiff card, corrugated card, flexibleplastic sheet, stiff plastic


- How will it beconstructed? (e.g. use of a net plus additional parts held togetherby glue / tape / staples / stitching / rivets, etc.)

- How will itwork? (e.g. handles, straps, buckles, clips, Velcro; adjustable?etc.)

- How will it bedecorated? (e.g. pen, appliqu, block printing, etc.)

2)Children tocomplete a design specification based on their answers to thesequestions.


A selection ofpaper carrier bags as examples to refer to





* To assemblematerials in temporary ways

FocusedPractical Tasks

Refer back to the disassemblyactivity and ask the children to make a paper mock-up of theirdesign on a smaller scale. Encourage them to experiment withstrengthening techniques, etc.




* To apply whatthey have learnt through IDEAs/FPTs in their designing andmaking

* To make a papercarrier bag with some accuracy

* To evaluatetheir product against their specification

Design andMake Assignment (DMA)

Designand make a paper carrier bag


1)Children to maketheir paper carrier bags.

2)Encourage thechildren to review their progress by making short notes aboutchanges/difficulties to help them with their finalevaluation.

3)Write anevaluation of their finished carrier bag.




A range ofmaterials to make the carrier bags

