Name | Art QCA Unit People in Action |
Owner | roverqueen |
Level | 6 |
Topic | Art |
Unit | People in Action |
Description | Half Term Plan |
File 1 | 636_Art - People in Action.doc |
File 2 |
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| Objectives | Activities | Learningoutcomes | Resources |
1 |
To describe the basic human figure To understand artists draw from life To understand artists use sketches To create sketches of live models using ovaltechnique
Introduce topic showing people in action.Before can draw people in action need to be able to draw people inproportion ie how big each body part is compared to other bodyparts. Going to learn how to sketch people using the ovaltechnique. Demo oval technique. Children attempt technique intosketchbooks. Ask child to strike a pose from front, demo howto use oval technique to draw pose. In pairs one poses other draws then swap.Repeat process but with more complicated poses using side views andprops to show sporting actions eg running, golf swing, cricketswing, netball shooting and about to kick a ball.
To describe the basic human figure To understand artists draw from life To understand artists use sketches To create sketches of live models using ovaltechnique
Sketchbooks Pencils Artistsmodel Sportsprops Internet lessonplan |
2 | to question and make thoughtful observationsabout starting points for their work to select and record from first-hand observationand to explore ideas for different purposes to compare methods and approaches used by othersto show figures and forms in movement | Look at the work of photographer EadweardMuybridge.. What appears to be happening in the photo? What isused to express the idea of movement? Discuss how photos wereused to show movement. Rehearse body gesture and movement. Ask thechildren to imagine in slow motion the act of sprinting from astart line, demo drawing actions as a series of pictures. Put the children in groups. Ask one of eachgroup to make a series of short poses that describe the sequence ofsimple action (walking, running, jumping) and ask the other torecord the poses as 12 outline drawings in their sketchbooks. Thenswap roles. Children to make a flick book and transfer drawings toflick book.
| visualise and demonstrate a sequence ofaction make drawings to record figure shapes compare and comment on the ideas, methods andapproaches of others record the ways in which visual effects can beused to show movement |
Egs of EadweardMuybridge.
3 |
to use a varietyof methods and techniques to show movement |
Ask the children to study the work of comicartists and to use drawing media to experiment with differenttechniques seen in the work, such as using flowing lines. Look atcomics and discuss how artist uses flow lines to portray movement.Demonstrate the methods and techniques used. Children to use asports idea to draw sporting movement using flow lines to showmovement of person and ball, racket etc.
| experiment with techniques and annotate theirwork adapt the working methods of the media, computergraphics, artists and photographers for their own purposes |
comics |
4 | Toinvestigate methods and approachesused by others to show figures and forms in movement. To use avariety of methods and techniquesto show movement
| Explaintopic looking at how artists have portrayed people in action focus on Giacomo Balla. Note howmovement is created by repeating the image. Look at As egs ofhow to recreate this method. Childrentake photos of each other posing action shots, eg. running. Thendraw outline of pose onto card to make a template. Draw roundtemplate 6 times and cut out. Paint each with either brightlycoloured paint (only one colour on each) or choose one colour andpaint each in a different shade, i.e. getting lighter/darker. Mountonto black paper with each one overlapping the last. | Toinvestigate methods and approachesused by others to show figures and forms in movement. To use avariety of methods and techniques to show movement |
5 |
to use a varietyof methods and techniques to show movement |
Look atWildly Dancing Children. Does it look like the children aredancing? Why? How has Nolde conveyed motion within this painting(loose painting style, bright colours energy, blurrededges). Demonstratethe methods and techniques used. Show children how motion iscreated by blurring/smudging edge of image. Children tocreate their own actionpicture (portraying a dance or other action). (Look at townfieldegs) Possiblematerials pastels (to allow for smudging / blurring) At end oflesson, children to reflect on their work and think aboutstrengths, and possible points for improvement.
| experiment with techniques and annotate theirwork adapt the working methods of the media, computergraphics, artists and photographers for their own purposes |
Picture withblurring
6 | Toinvestigate methods and approaches used byothers to show figures and forms in movement. To use avariety of methods and techniquesto show movement (based on Delaunayexample) To adapttheir work according to their views andhow they might develop it further.
| Reviewprevious techniques discussed. Todays artist Robert Delaunay afuturist who painted The Cardiff Team. Explain about futurism,and discuss painting. Discuss childrens opinions, and techniquesused to portray motion. Children tocreate a piece in a similar style to Delaunay, portraying a teamgame in action. Possible materials collage? At end oflesson, discuss work produced so far. Children to reflect on theirown art, and evaluate the work of others. Which pieces have beenmost effective in showing movement and how could they be developedfurther.
| Toinvestigate methods and approaches used byothers to show figures and forms in movement. To use avariety of methods and techniquesto show movement (based on Delaunayexample) To adapttheir work according to their views and how they might develop itfurther | The CardiffTeam (Robert Delaunay)
| Toinvestigate methods and approaches used byothers to show figures and forms in movement. To use avariety of methods and techniques to showmovement
| Discusstechniques used in 2D art to portray movement. Brainstorm howmovement might be shown within 3D artwork. Show UniqueForms. Discuss childrens opinions, and think about how thisportrays movement. Create asculpture (using Foil People) which shows an individual or smallgroup of people in action (sport / dance?). Children could worktogether to create a larger scene. Create agallery of childrens People in Action artwork. Children toreflect on the work of others, identifying pieces which showmovement effectively, and explaining why.
| Toinvestigate methods and approaches used byothers to show figures and forms in movement. To use avariety of methods and techniques to showmovement
| Unique Formsof Continuity in Space - Boccioni world.htm Foil Peopleinstructions foil / tape