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NameBLOCK A week 2
File 143_Block a unit 3 week 2.doc
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Mental oral

Autumn/Spring/Summer1st/2ndDate:05.05.08 1G Unit A3 WEEK2 Counting partitioning and calculating





Individualassessment +/-

Key vocab





Direct teachinginput


Key questions andresources




Bank holiday






Recall and derive allpairs of numbers with a total of 10

Give one number askhow many more to make 10?

Use number fanschildren show correct number on fan

Relate addition tocounting on; recognise that addition can be done in any order; usepractical and informal written methods to support the addition of aone-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digit or two-digitnumber
I can add 10, 20, 30,... to any number up to 50

Use the vocabularyrelated to addition and subtraction and symbols to describe andrecord addition and subtraction numbersentence
I can ask additionand subtraction questions in different ways
I can use thesigns plus, - and = whenI write addition and subtraction sentences

Explain to thechildren that they will be learning a new way to help themadd.

On the IWB write theaddition sentence 5 + 8= . Show the children a tower of 5 cubes andanother 8 (use IWB Prog.)? Or children? Explain that the eighttower can be broken into five and a bit. Invite a child to do thisMaking a tower of 5 and 3 more (or 5 children and 3 more).(partition) Now say that 5 add 8 is the same as 5 + 5 + 3. Work throcalculation. What do you know? Double 5 is 10, 10 add 3 is13.

Repeat for otherexamples of adding 6,7,8,or 9

Group work inpairs


Use dice with 6 7 8or 9 on. Children throw dice and add to 5


Work quickly,partition and add mentally


HA Encourage to addquickly and use their knowledge of tens and units to recallrapidly


LA Work with adult tobreak down stages

What if we add 2numbers such as 6 + 4 +8 How could we do this? Etc. 8 + 6 + 4 = etcetc






Add 10 to a number tomake teen number

Look at pattern onwhiteboard 10 + 4 10 + 5 10 + 6 etc

Note only tens numberchanges Quick fire questions adding 10 to unit


As above

Remind children ofnew strategy, practise few examples. Check that they understandthere is no need to count in ones that 5 + 9 = is the same as 5 + 5+ 4 = so 10 + 4 =14

Children completedifferentiated worksheets for Find the totals.


HA use extensionsheet totals to 20


MA withsupport


LA supportsheet


Support group throwdice to make add sums over 10

Ask questions How didyou work that out? Who used counting on in 1s partitioning? Whichis best? Why? Look at these sums:

plus 6 plus 2 = 13     5 plus 2 plus 6 = square

Will the answer tothe second sum be smaller, the same as or bigger than the answer tothe first? How do you know? How could you show someone who does notknow?





Derive all numberswith total of 10 and addition facts to at least 5 Work outcorresponding subtraction facts

Use take away factsto 5 and take away facts to 10 cards. Ask children to write answerson whiteboards

Understandsubtraction as 'take away' and find a 'difference' by counting up;use practical and informal written methods to support thesubtraction of a one-digit number from a one-digit or two-digitnumber and a multiple of 10 from a two-digit number
I can add or subtract20 to a number and tell you the answer

Subtracting from teennumbers

Subtracting fromteens

Ask them to work out7 _ 5 counting up from 5 to 7

Now work out 17-5 =How did they do it? Repeat fro other subtraction sentences anddiscuss the pattern that they find.

Children completeframework on subtraction from 0nes and teens encourage followingpattern and not working out 2nd answer.


HA Add some 20 numbereg 6-4=2 16-4=12 26-4 =22


MA as stated


LA as stated withadult help

Support subtractionindependently

Review some of theexamples

Put one example intoword problem







Derive all numberswith total of 10 and addition facts to at least 5 Work outcorresponding subtraction facts

Use take away factsto 5 and take away facts to 10 cards. Ask children to write answerson whiteboards

Understandsubtraction as 'take away' and find a 'difference' by counting up;use practical and informal written methods to support thesubtraction of a one-digit number from a one-digit or two-digitnumber and a multiple of 10 from a two-digit number
I can add or subtract20 to a number and tell you the answer


Write numbers 4,5 and9 on IWB Ask the children to suggest 2 addition sentences and 2subtraction sentences that use the 3 numbers. (Whiteboards?) 4 + 5= 9 5 + 4 = 9 9-4 =9 etc, Repeat with numbers 19,14 and 5 e.g. 14 +5 = 19 etc.

Discuss how if weknow one fact the others can be worked out.

Children generate 3numbers using dice/cards and make the add and subtractioncalculations that can be made with them.


HA 2 teen numbers andone single digit


MA 1 teen number and2 single digits


LA All singledigits

Ask children for someof the calculations that they found. How did they solvethem?

Word probleminvolving 3 numbers


