Name | Literacy Medium term plan |
Owner | Northernlass |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Misc |
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Roseberry PrimarySchool Medium TermPlan Literacy Year:1 Term: Summer 2008
| Unit | Learning Objectives | Wk | Texts | Suggested Outcomes | Cross curricular links |
| Narrative 4
Stories about Fantasy Worlds | 4. Drama 5. Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding(spelling) 6. Word structure and spelling 7. Understanding and interpreting texts 9. Creating and shaping texts 11. Sentence structure and punctuation 12. Presentation
| 4
| Little Red Alien Where the Wild things are Rainbow Fish Elmer | Children can predict possible eventsin a narrative based on their experience of other texts. Children can orally tell anadventure narrative during role-play with the events organisedsequentially into problem and resolution. Children can compose completesentences correctly demarcated by capital letters and fullstops. Children can write a short storywith the events organised sequentially into problem andresolution. |
Poetry unit 3 | 1.Speaking 2.Listening and responding 3.Group discussion and interaction 5. Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding(spelling) 6. Word structure and spelling 7. Understanding and interpreting texts 8. Engaging with and responding to texts 9. Creating and shaping texts 12. Presentation
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| Children hear, read and respond to a range ofsimple poems with a similar theme. Children consider what things are'like', as well as indulging in fanciful inventions such as magicalwishes. Chilldren in pairs or individuallywrite their own simple patterned texts on the given theme,developing their writing by adding further words or phrases to aspecified beginning, following a given pattern or writing within anappropriate frame. |
| Non fiction 4 | 2. Listening and responding 3. Group discussion and interaction 5. Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding(spelling) 6. Word structure and spelling 7. Understanding and interpreting texts 8. Engaging with and responding to texts 9. Creating and shaping texts 10. Text structure and organisation 11. Sentence structure and punctuation 12. Presentation
| 2 |
| Children can ask simple questions. Children can identify a contents page and anindex in an information text. They can use these to find the rightpage to answer simple questions, for example Wherewould I find out about sea animals? Children can say what the key structuralfeatures of a simple information text are. Children can say whether a sentence is inanappropriate style for an information text. Children can write sentences for an informationtext in an appropriate style. |
| Non Fiction 5 | Speaking 3. Group discussion and interaction 5. Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding(spelling) 6. Word structure and spelling 7. Understanding and interpreting texts 9. Creating and shaping texts 10. Text structure and organisation 11. Sentence structure and punctuation 12. Presentation
| 2 |
| Children can sequence a set of events based ontheir own experience and observations. Children have made appropriate progress in linewith national expectations of phonic development. Children can orally compose and retell asequence of events using time connectives to link thesequence. Children have made appropriate progress in linewith national expectations in reading development. Children can write a recount using timeconnectives to sequence events and correctly demarcatesentences. Children have made appropriate progress in linewith national expectations in reading. Children can apply their phonic knowledge whenwriting independently in line with national expectations of phonicdevelopment.
| Assessment | 1 |
Notes: Big Write Thursday morning.Spellings done within Phonics sessions Sounds and Lettersdaily. Guided Reading Daily except Fridays when Paired withY5 Handwriting Daily Class Reading Novel The Magic Finger byRoald Dahl Peter Pan/Treasure Island/Kidnapped?