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NameArt year 2 Buildings differentiated
UnitSpring term
File 1381_art buildings 07 coded.doc
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Moorhill Primary School Medium Term Plan

Moorhill Primary School MediumTerm Plan


Year group: YR.2 Subject andtopic title: ArtTime: Spring 2

Class teacher: SH/ MK/ SOSubject co-ordinator:




Objectives andWALT








Investigate the possibilities of a range ofmaterials and processes.


Try out tools and techniques and apply thesematerials and processes.


To begin to respond to ideas

To respond to ideas

To explore my ideas.

To explore my ideas and collect visualand other information for my work.










Tocommunicate my ideas and meaningsand design images with collage

To use materials for collageto communicate my ideas and meanings and design images.

To investigate and use differentmaterials and techniques to communicate my ideas and meaningsand design images to create a relief collage




Toexplore ideas for creating a bird collage using shape ,colour andtexture

Whole Class: Explore and Develop


Show chld a piece of art by Frank Stella onIWB/Power Point (no.6)

1minute thinking time. What can yousee? What does this make you thinkof? Why? How do you think this art was produced? How does itmake you feel? Why?

2minute talking time to talking partners.


Give them the background on Frank Stella

  • That he lives in America, born in Massachusetts1936
  • He is still alive


Tell the pupils that:

  • We will be looking at a certain type of paintinghe produced a number of years ago around 1970
  • As a class discuss the paintings. What do youthink this is? Does it look like a bird?
  • His inspiration Brazilian birds, with brightcolours and the shapes of the birds outline, beak and eye. Relateto Geography work. St Lucia parrot.
  • Link to what chld had found from theirexploration. That he does not produce pictures as they look, hetakes different parts and muddles them around to make a collage (describe collage) he then stacks the images on top of each otherto make a piece of relief work. (describe relief)


How can we use the work and skills byStella and create out own art about parrots? (Use same skills, colourful,blues, greens and yellows).


Tto show chld other pieces of work by Stella using IWB/PP. Class todiscuss similarities.


Over next 2 weeks chld will produce their ownrelief collage based on Stella. Chld will work in mixed abilitygroups of 4.


In groups chld to explore Stellas art work. Chld tolook at

  • Shapes
  • How they have different textures.
  • How can we create the different textures andstyles (use various materials and our hands with paint, we willthen cut the shapes and stick them onto the wall to produce arelief collage).
  • Share ideas for their own work. How are theygoing to create a parrot? What colours? What materials? Whatprocesses?
  • HA: chld to use internet to find out extrainformation about Stella and parrots.


Teacher demo of skills: different materials andtechniques


Tissue paper, feathers ,shreddedpaper,foil



Paint, cutting, glueing, montage ,collage,double sided sticky tape


Group work: Investigate andmakeapplying skills of shape ,colour and texture

Chld to create shapes of a bird (beak, feathers,wings) using various materials and techniques onto large sheets ofpaper shared between 4 children.


Mini Plenary:

What will we do with our work now? What next?Why?


Plenary: Evaluating andDeveloping

Chld to look at what each group has done bygoing round to each table. Chld to feedback what they feel aboutothers work. What do you like about theirwork? What is similar about theirsand yours? How could you improveyours?



I will begin to respond toideas

I will respond to ideas

I will explore myideas.

I will explore my ideas and collectvisual and other information for my work.





















I can communicate my ideasand meanings and design images.

I can use and investigate tocommunicate my ideas and meanings and design images.

I can use and investigate differentmaterials and techniques to communicate my ideas and meaningsand design images for different purposes.








Onthe wall have a blank canvas for the collages.



















Work in groups.


Use a range of materials and processes.



Review what they and others have done and saywhat they think and feel about it.

To talk about what I like about mywork.

To describe what I think and feel aboutothers work.

To comment of differences in otherswork and suggest ways of improving their own.

To comment on similarities anddifferences between their own and others work and adapt and improvetheir own.


Whole Class:

Chld to recap last lesson. What artist were we looking at? What sort of art work did he do? What are we doing?


Teacher demo: T to take a piece of work completed lastlesson. (Piece of paper with shapes of birds). If we are going touse the same style as Stella what have wegot to do now? T to demo how to cut out shapes. What would we do with these shapes now?


Group work: Investigate and makeapplying skills

Chld to work in groups to cut out shapes forcollage. When finished they decide how to present the shapes. Chldhave option to use sticky tape to create a 3D effect on collage.Display each groups work in classroom or corridor. Other year 2groups will come to view.


Plenary: Evaluating andDeveloping

Stand up hand up pair up with chld from othergroup. Chld to look at what friends group has done. Chld tofeedback what they feel about friends work. What do you like about their work? What is similar about theirs and yours?How could you improve yours?





I can talk about what I like aboutmy work.

I can describe what I think and feelabout others work.

I can comment of differences inothers work and suggest ways of improving their own.

I can comment on similarities anddifferences between their own and others work and adapt and improvetheir own.


















Use a range of materials and processes


Record ideas for the shapes and textures ofbuildings from first hand observations


To respond to ideas for creatingwindow shapes

To explore my ideasforcreating window shapes and patterns

To explore my ideas and collectvisual and other information for creating window designs


Whole Class: Explore and Develop

Tell the pupils we will be looking at Houses andhow they speak to us.

How do they speak to us -what can I mean to sayby this?


Chld to walk outside classroom in pairs toexperience the buildings in the environment. Chld to feel thebuilding texture. Chld to concentrate looking at windows. Chld todiscuss what they can see. Chld make sketches on paper of windowsshapes on school, housesand use digital camera to photographdifferent window shapes


Wewill be looking at an artist called Hundertwasser who focused hispaintings on houses, the shape of houses and parts of houses.How is this similar toStella?


Show the pupils the paintings by Hundertwasserfocus on the shapes of the windows everywhere.


Tell the pupils that we will be making our ownpaintings based on the work by Hundertwasser by

we will be drawing a windowas we see them based on the content by Hundertwasser.



Or chld draw a building asthey see it without windows and then print windows onto it.


Teacher demo:

Teacher to demonstrate the technique needed forthe background.


Group work: Investigate and makeIndependently

This lesson chld to create background.

Chld to use paint to createbackground.

Chld to use paint with thick and thinbrushes to create background.

Chld to choose material and processfor creating background: chalk, paint, drawing,

Chld as above but give reasons forchoice.


I will begin to respond toideas

I will respond to ideas

I will explore myideas.

I will explore my ideas and collectvisual and other information for my work.


























Pupils will explore ideas about shape andpattern; using ideas from work by the artist Hundertwasser.


To use paint andprinting techniques to communicate my ideas and meaningsand design images.


This lesson chld to create windows.


Whole Class: Explore and Develop


Chld to all draw a shape of window onwhiteboard. Get some ideas for the pupils for the shapes of windowsand put them on the board, get the pupils to copy the shapes or addtheir own on to card and ask them to cut them out, those finishingearly to help others. Get pupils to put their names on the back ofeach piece.

L.A. could do just a couple of shapeseach and then share the shapes on the table.

Or we will be drawing a windowas we see them based on the content by Hundertwasser.


Or chld draw school as theysee it without windows and then print windows onto it.



Individually Investigate andmake

Using different printing and cutting techniqueschildren to add windows to background building shapes

Techniques: card 0r ruler line printing/spongeprinting/plastic or wooden shape face printing

Cutting out pieces and shapes to stick on to thebackground and create window frames



Mini Plenary: Evaluating andDeveloping

Stop class half way through: Chld to talk withchld next to them. Chld to look at what friends group has done.Chld to feedback what they feel about friends work. What do you like about their work? What is similar about theirs and yours?How could you improve yours? Chldthen use this evaluation to improve their work.


Plenary: Evaluating

Look at the paintings of Hundertwasser and thenat the finished pictures by various pupils discuss similarities andcelebrate their work.


I can use paint and printingtechniques

I can us e paint and printingtechniques to communicate my ideas and meanings anddesign images.


I can use different techniques toinvestigate and to communicate my ideas and meanings anddesign images for different purposes.


I can talk about what I like aboutmy work.

I can describe what I think and feelabout others work.

I can comment of differences inothers work and suggest ways of improving their own.

I can comment on similarities anddifferences between their own and others work and adapt and improvetheir own.











Objectives from NC covered:


WALT: 5 a b c , 4a, b. 3a and b. 2a, b, andpart of 3. 1 part a.

Explore a range of starting points- buildingsparrots.

Work on own and in groups 2d and 3d. large andsmall.

Use a range of materials and processes


About colour, shape and space.

About colour, shape, space, pattern.

Materials used- paper, paint, scissors, doublesided tape, camera, eyes

Processes used- collage, paint, ICT, drawing,printing


Review what they and others have done and saywhat they think and feel about it.

Identify what they might change in their currentwork or develop in their future work


Investigate the possibilities of a range ofmaterials and processes.

Try out tools and techniques and apply thesematerials and processes.

(Represent observations.)


(Record from first hand observations)

Record from imagination.


Levels: Covered


I will begin to respond toideas

I will respond to ideas

I will explore myideas.

I will explore my ideas and collectvisual and other information for my work.


I canuse .

I can communicate my ideas andmeanings and design images.

I can use and investigateto communicate my ideas and meanings and design images.

I can use and investigate tocommunicate my ideas and meanings and design images for differentpurposes.


I can talk about what I like aboutmy work.

I can describe what I think and feelabout others work.

I can comment of differences inothers work and suggest ways of improving their own.

I can comment on similarities anddifferences between their own and others work and adapt and improvetheir own.