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P.E. Striking/fielding games Year 3/4 KH, RW, KR Summer Second Half

Learning objectivesfor unit

Expected learningoutcomes for unit

     To consistentlystrike a ball in a controlled way.

     To field andintercept a ball and return it accurately.

     To select and useappropriate skills and simple tactics in a small gameactivity.

     To recognise a goodperformance, or what needs to be improved.

     Be able to strike aball with confidence and control, and direct it accurately into atarget area.

     Receive the ballfrom one direction, and be able to throw or strike it away inanother direction.

     Understand andidentify good striking and fielding techniques.

     Combine skills toplay effectively in a small sides striking/fielding game, and usesimple attacking and defending tactics e.g. work as a team to fieldthe ball.


P.E. Striking/fielding games Year 3/4 KH, RW, KR Summer Second Half






Lesson 1

      Partner tag outsidein pairs, one child has to try and tag his/her partner, who thenbecomes the catcher.

      Change pairings andrepeat with everyone skipping, hopping, marching etc.

      Using a ball or aquoit, practise throwing and catching in pairs. Make it hardere.g. by stepping further apart, by using the other hand, bythrowing it to the side of your partner so they have to move tocatch it, throwing under one leg etc.

      For continuouspractise, A throws to B and then runs around B back toplace. B repeats.

Throw the quoit up inthe air and catch. Throw it and catch it with one hand. Throw andhook your arm through it.

Balls orquoits.

Lesson 2

      Robot run joggently around the playground. When the teacher calls touch,touch the floor with one hand, and then continue running. When theteacher calls out two touch, bend down and touch both hands onthe ground and continue running. When teacher calls out jump,jump high in the air, and then continue. Vary the order of thecommands.

      Take out one hoopbetween two and bounce the ball down into the hoop for partner tocatch. Start with ball held above head, point fingers downwards,get body behind ball to receive.

      Try again, standingtwo or three paces away from the hoop, and bouncing it down intothe hoop to make your partner move to catch the ball.

      Now try it so thatwhen A bounces the ball downwards into the hoop, B hits it backfor A to catch with bat. If A has aimed accurately, B hashit it and then A caught it again, a point is scored. Changeover after 4 hits.

Roll hoop along line,pass to your partner (both of you running along, one on eitherside). Try and keep its movement as controlled as possible.

Balls, hoops between2, bats.

P.E. Striking/fielding games Year 3/4 KH, RW, KR Summer Second Half

Lesson 3

      Partner tag seelesson 1.

      Practise throwing andcatching ball with a partner. B holds hand out in front of bodyabove waist height with fingers pointing downwards. A throwsunderarm to B aiming at his/her hands (as in a bowlingsituation).

      A rolls the ball toB who picks it up and throws it back. Change over after sixturns. (receiver needs to get body in line with the ball, bendknees and have fingers towards ground to collect the ball).

      Repeat, but rollingball to the side of partner who has to move to collect it beforethrowing it back. For variation, partner practises throwing backover-arm accurately.

      Beat the ball - Twopairs join together to make a group of four. Collect two skittlesand two hoops. The first pair stand one in each hoop facing eachother, with one skittle behind each of them (so that skittles andhoops are in a line). Other pair stand one at each skittle. Firstpair in the hoops throw the ball to each other. How many circuitscan pair B do before they drop it? Swap over can you beat firstteams score?

Follow my leader.All children sit in a space. Choose a leader who starts off movinground the playground. Leader taps another child on the shoulder,and he/she starts following. Continue until everyone is in theline. Vary how the leader moves round the playground.

1 ball between 2(tennis, airflow, sponge, or medium sized), two skittles and twohoops per group of 4.

Lesson 4

      Tunnel tag childrenhold hands in twos and move around the area. Two or three childrenare tunnel builders, and try to tag the couples. When tagged, thetwos must stand and make a tunnel with their hands above theirhead. The tunnel can be released by another pair travellingthrough it.

      A rolls ball to Bwho uses bat to hit it straight back to A along the ground (Bneeds to stand sideways on to A with the bat edge touching theground, and A aims to roll the ball towards the bat). Swap overafter six turns.

      Beat the ball, as inlesson 3, but this time one of the pair in the hoops has a bat, andtheir partner has to throw it so that it bounces and they can batit back.

Each hold a smallball out at shoulder height. Drop it, and catch it before it getsto the ground. Can you do it with the other hand?

1 ball between 2(tennis, airflow, sponge, or medium sized), and one bat.

two skittles and twohoops per group of 4.

P.E. Striking/fielding games Year 3/4 KH, RW, KR Summer Second Half

Lesson 5

      Place marker cones ofdifferent colours in four different areas of the playground.Children divided up into four teams according to the colour of themarkers.

      Children run anddodge each other around the playground. When the whistle blows,sprint to your marker. First team to be standing nicely, holdinghands around their marker is the winner.

      With a partner,practise throwing and catching a ball. Can you throw with one handand catch with the other?

      Get into groups ofthree. Practise rolling the ball A-B, B-C, C-A etc. On a signal,change direction quickly.

      Repeat, but throwingand catching underarm in a triangle how smoothly can you doit?

      Development bouncing the ball round, then A bounces to B, who bats it withhand to C, C bounces the ball to A, who bats it with hand toB etc.

Each take a ball.Roll it gently in one direction into a space, overtake it and pickit up, then pat-bounce into another space. Repeat severaltimes.

4 marker cones (eacha different colour)


Lesson 6

Letters and legs children run in and out of each other all over the playgroundavoiding contact. Teacher calls out a letter of the alphabet. Ifthat letter is in your first name, keep running. Teacher keepschanging the letter.

      Get into groups ofthree as per lesson 5. A rolls a ball to B who has a bat. Bhits ball along the ground to C. C rolls ball back to B whohits it along the ground to A etc. Change after 6 turns so eachhave a turn at direction hitting with the bat.

      Make up your ownrules for moving the ball around your group of 3.

As per lesson5.

Ball and bat pergroup of 3.

P.E. Striking/fielding games Year 3/4 KH, RW, KR Summer Second Half

Lesson 7

As per lesson 5, butchange the mode of travelling at the beginning of each new gamee.g. hopping, two-footed jumps, skipping, side skipping, galloping,walking fast etc.

      Throw a ball high foryourself to catch stretch hands out towards the ball tocatch.

      Hold the ball outwith arms outstretched at shoulder height. Drop the ball andcatch it again before it touches the ground.

      Throw the ball upwith one hand and catch it with the other. Can you catch with yourweakest hand?

      Beat the bowler inpairs, children use two skittles/markers placed five large pacesapart as goalposts, and a third skittle/marker as the batsmanswicket six large paces away from the goalposts. A bowls the ballunderarm to bounce once for B to hit and aim between thegoalposts. A point is scored by the pair if B hits accuratelybetween the posts and A catches it, or catches it after onebounce. Change over after six turns. NB Make sure the childrenare all hitting away from each other.

Throw and catch witha partner. Throw from one hand and catch with the other. Trydoing it the other way round.

4 marker cones forwarm up (each a different colour)

balls enough forone each

three skittles/markers for each pair, bats one between two.

Lesson 8

Have a range ofequipment available. Children choose a piece of equipment and showhow they can use it. Look for variety of ideas, and energeticactivity.

      One ball betweentwo. Practise throwing and catching with a partner. Practiserolling to a partner. Practise throwing/rolling slightly to oneside of partner. If throwing, let the ball bounce once beforecatching it.

      Beat the bowler as inlesson 8, but developed so that A bowls to B underarm withoutbouncing, and B hits it for A to catch on the far side of thegoal posts. A point is scored if the ball passes through the postsand is caught or caught after one bounce by A on the otherside.

Find a line andtight-rope walk along it. Can you tight-rope walkbackwards?

Range of equipmentfor warm up e.g. hoops, bean bags, quoits, balls cones etc.

Balls one between2.

three skittles/markers for each pair, bats one betweentwo.

P.E. Striking/fielding games Year 3/4 KH, RW, KR Summer Second Half

Lesson 9

LondonStations Four sidesof playground each given the name of a train station e.g. KingsCross, Euston, Victoria, Paddington. Children run around theplayground, dodging each other. When the teacher calls out thename of a station, children run to the appropriate line. Last onebehind the line loses a life. All start with 5 lives.

      Practice bounding theball around the playground without stopping.

      Stand in a group ofthree and keep one ball between you. How many catches can youmake, going round your triangle in one minute? (Timed by teacher).Repeat to try and beat score.

      Defend the skittle -Children in groups of three. Each group has a bat and twoskittles. The skittles are set about 6 large paces apart. A isbowler and fielder, B is batsman and C is fielder. A rollsball along the ground to B who hits it along the ground in anydirection except behind. B can score runs by running to touchthe skittle with his/her bat. A and C try and stop this bystumping the post the batsman is running to. No run if the fieldercatches the ball. Six turns and change over rolls.

Pat-bounce the ballon the playground to write your name on the playground with theball.

Balls enough forone each, bat and two skittles per group of 3.

Lesson 10

London Stations asper last lesson, but this time travelling in different ways betweenstations e.g. hopping, jumping, skipping, side-steppingetc.

      Practise throwing theball up high to catch (if you cant catch it, the ball is going toohigh, so practice lower and build up).

      Defend the skittle as per lesson 9, but this time bowl the ball to bounce once beforebeing hit.

As per lesson3.

Balls enough forone each, bat and two skittles per group of 3.

Lesson 11

Variation on LondonStations game this time travel round the playground in trainsof tow or three, holding the waist of the person in front with bothhands. On hearing the name of the station, trains have to run tothe line without braking up. Last train behind the line loses alife.

      Roll the ball gentlyalong the ground, run to overtake it, and pick it up to roll inanother direction. Roll the ball in a different direction everytime.

      Get into groups ofthree. Get a hoop, and keep just one ball. One of three has tobowl to another through a vertically held hoop. Changeroles.

      Practice defend theskittle game from last lesson.

Practice throwing andcatching a ball. How can you make it harder?

Balls, hoops, bat andtwo skittles per group of 3.

P.E. Striking/fielding games Year 3/4 KH, RW, KR Summer Second Half

Lesson 12

Variation on LondonStations game as per last lesson.

      Stand in threes withone ball between you. Throw around the triangle, making it harderby throwing the ball higher for your partner to catch.

      Pick one of the threeto be the thrower. This person throws the ball up high into themiddle of the triangle, and calls the name of one of the other two,who has to move forward to try and catch it. If they succeed, theybecome the thrower. Make sure go back into triangle to start eachtime.

      Build on defend theskittle game to try and play a game of rounders.

How many differentways can you throw and catch a quoit? (could work with a partner,or in group of 3).

Balls, quoits,rounders bat, four markers for posts.