Name | Mixed year R12 Unit 2 Block B |
Owner | lizard |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | B2 |
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File 1 | 325_Maths Sp2 Unit2 Block B.doc |
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Blisland WeeklyPlanning Sheet for R, 1 & 2 Numeracy Liz Rawlings INFANTCLASS Spring 1 Wk2 (BlockB ) CT=Teacherfocus TA= additional support is given I =ind
| Overall Objectivesfor Y1/2: Y1: learn doubles andconsolidate counting in 2s 5s and number sequences. Y2crn use their knowledgeand experience of counting from zero in steps of 2, 5 and 10 tolearn the 2, 5 and 10multiplication facts. They answerquestions They recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10; they know thatmultiples of 2 are called even numbers and thatnumbers which are not even are odd. | ||||||||
| Foundation StageObjectives: Select two groups ofobjects to make a given total of objects. Count reliably up to10 objects | Linked AdultInitiated Play Activities: Play Buy the man andLadybird game with Y1. Objects to count andsort, number cards. Making spells drawing and writing number ofobjects. | |||||||
| Objective/ success criteria | M/O andDirect teaching | Upper /Y2 | Middle /Y1 | Reception | Plenary | Evaluation | ||
M | I canrecall or work out the doubles of numbers up to 55or more | MO:Doubling counting song (Tom Thumbs musical maths) as agroup.
Main:Write 2+2 on board.Hold up 2 fingers on one hand and 2 on the other. What does thismake? Rpt for 3, 4 and 5. Write all the additions on the board.Recap these are called doubles - when a number is added toitself. Roll large dice andpractice doubling numbers using cubes. Record as a numbersentence.
Y1 startactivity Write an easydouble 1+1 = 2. Write 10+10 = ? and solve.. How can the easierdouble help us double multiples of ten. Continue pattern with 2+2and 20+20 etc.
| Roll a multiples of10 dice and calculate the answer. Write as a numbersentence. | Crn roll 1-6 dice anddouble that number using cubes. Write as addition sentence inbooks. | Re-read room on thebroom. Make some spells inthe cauldron out side using recipes and collecting the rightamount of ingredients.
Lets record what youcan do | Play bingo. In pairs,chn write 4 even nos btwn 2 & 20. Use cards 1-10. Turn overcard, if pair has that double they cross it out. | Not achieved:
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| I candescribe the patterns in a set of calculations | ||||||||
T u | I cancount in 2s. I am starting to count in 5s. | MO:Sing number song with Lucy. Y1and 2. Put range of number cards on the floor how could we sortthem? Try out some ideas (eg odd / even, 1 digit/2 digit, curvedstraight..etc) using sorting hoops.
Main:Count in 2s to 12 mark hops on n line. Which is the last numberwe will land on if we carry on counting in 2s? Circle the numberssaid when counting in 2s and talk about any patterns and odd / evennumbers. Give out number cardswith multiples of 5 to 50. Dem counting to five on one hand showingone finger at a time. When get to five ask the chd with the number5 card to come out and place on flipchart tray. Continue to 10, 15,20 with fingers each time. What do you noticeabout the numbers? Is any number thesame?Can you see apattern? Hear? Rpt on nline jumpingin 5s. Record jumps on the board. Y1 start activity dem Y2 table mountain model keeping count of 5s on hand. | Have cards with x5 and x2multiplication on one side and answer on the other. Crn play a game: lay the cards outin front of them with mults showing. Touch card, turn over ifincorrect try a new card. *Table Mountain x5 | Order multiplesof 2 and stick. Use 0-20 number line to help.
NT to extend tomultiples of 5.
| Use counter programmeto estimate then count objects and put them onto the numbertrack. Lets record what youcan do | 2 groups give eachnumber cards of 2 and 5x multiples. Ask them to sort them intomultiples of 2 and multiples of 5 using sorting hoops.
Discuss numbers thatare both x2 and x5 | Not achieved:
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| I knowsome of the number facts in the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables. I knowthat multiples of 2 are even numbers. | ||||||||
| Objectiveand Success Criteria | M/Oand Main Teaching | Upper /Y2 | Middle /Y1 | Lower /Recep | Plenary | Evaluation | |
W | I cancount in 2s. I can make totals. | MO: Ants go marchingwith Lucy. Doubles game.
Challenge: to findout what different totals you can make by using up to ten 2pcoins. Take 3 2p coins frompurse, total them and tell the children that you have found that itis possible to make 6p. Record 2p + 2p + 2p = 6p * Show on nline. Repeat with five 2pcoins. How will I know Ihave found all totals? Begin to work through in systematic way discuss which is better way? Y1 start task. Y2 purse has 20pcoins. Work through in same way how can 2+2 help us with 20+20? and p notation check! | Possible totals for purse with up to10 20p coins. | Record all possibletotals with up to 10 2p coins. Use money stamps torecord. I | Outside- Sand: Bury lots of lego(assorted colours). Lucy guesswhich colour there are most of. Dig up the bricks and count tocheck. TA
Lets record what youcan do | Share answers withpartner do they agree? Have they got all the answers Y2 how doyou know?
What if the purse had10p coins what is the biggest / smallest amount? | Not achieved:
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| I candescribe the patterns in a set of calculations.
I knowsome of the number facts in the 2, 5 and 10times-tables. | |||||||
Th |
| MO: Sing number songwith Lucy. Y1/2 play card gamewith double calculation and x5 / x2 multiplications on one side,answer on the other. Teams take turns to choose cards and sayanswer to win cards.
Main: Give outnumbers to each pair, sort class into odd and even numbers inplayground if pos. Recap what even means. In class completesome odd and even sequences using the number square. | Odd and even:Complete number sequences using odd & even numbers going up & down,numbers up to 100/ above 100. | Complete oddand even number sequences to 20 (NT to 50) | Order numbers 1-15 onwashing line.
Collect objects tomake a given total (use little baskets). | Use puppet can youcarry on this sequence of even / odd nos 3,5,754,56,58 How far can you countin even numbers? show your partner. | Not achieved:
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| I candescribe the patterns in a set of calculations
I knowthat multiples of 2 are even numbers. | |||||||
| F | I cantalk about number patterns and make my own number patterns. I candescribe patterns to others. | MO: Doubles song.Play Archery doubles on IWB. Main: Discuss whatthey know about butterflies incl symmetrical properties. Showspecial spots that have fallen off the Special SpottedButterfly. Tell crn that SpecialSpotted Butterflies never have more than 20 spots, but they alwayshave the same number of spots on each wing. Dem how to put 6spots on the butterfly, 3 on each wing, and how to record this.Then show how to put 9 spots on the butterfly, 4 on each wing and 1left over. Can it have 6 spots? 9 spots? How will they makesure they have checked all the numbers to 20? Suggest tick list orsimilar. | Asy Y1 but extend activity tobutterflies with over 20 spots what number spots could theyhave? | Completeactivity using counters or drawing spots to record. | Make a SpecialSpotted butterfly stick the same number of spots on each wing(use coloured paper, collage ect) | Y1 to explain whatthey found out. Draw out must be even number. | Not achieved:
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| I candescribe the patterns in a set of calculations
I knowthat multiples of 2 are even numbers. | |||||||
| Overview of learningfor KS1: MENTAL ORAL: be ableto tell say what is 10 more / 10 less than a multiple of 10 (Y1) orany 2 digit number (Y2). MAIN: Y1 childrenuse their developing calculation and problem-solving skills toidentify whether a problem involves addition or subtraction, deriveand learn to recall pairs of numbers with a total of 10. Theyderive and then recall addition facts for totals up to at least 5and the related subtraction facts. Y2 use theirknowledge of addition and subtraction facts for numbers to 10 tofind sums and differences of multiples of 10, for example80 50. They recognise pairs of multiples of 10 thattotal 100. They use their knowledge of pairs of numbers that sum to10 to identify what must be added to any two-digit number to reachthe next multiple of 10. They choose and usecalculations to solve problems and puzzles involving all 4operations, supporting with equipment/drawings /jottings. | ||||||||
| Foundation StageObjectives: Recognise numeralsto 9, select 2 groups of objects to make a given total.
| Linked AdultInitiated Play Activities: Number JigsawsNumber stencils Countingbooks | |||||||
| Objective/ success criteria | M/O andDirect teaching | Upper /Y2 | Middle /Y1 | Reception | Plenary | Evaluation | ||
M | I knowthe pairs of numbers that total 10 | M/O:(With Lucy) All count up and back to 100. Sing number rhyme linkedto 100s. Y1/2: Practice 10 more / less using ITP number line to100. Practice by choosing number and rolling 10 more / lessdice.
MAIN: Clip ten pegson to a coat hanger. Ask chd to push some pegs to one side. Howmany pegs are there altogether? How many pegs at this end? Whatnumber sentence could we write about this? Record the numbersentence. Ask chd to split the pegs to create a different numbersentence, and then record. Take two pegs off thecoat hanger whilst crn close eyes. How many pegs have I takenaway? How many more do I need to put on to make 10? Rept. Y1start activity Y2 link tomultiples of 10 to make 100 using numicom. | Fill in blanks bonds to 100. (Wsheet)
| Recap and recordbonds to 10 using coat hanger and pegs / bead strings. | Numicom bonds to 10activity shapes.
| 564= 60
Discussusing 6+4 bond to 10 to solve.
Repeatfor other examples (23+7, 12+8 .) | Not achieved:
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| I canrecall number facts for each number up to 10. | ||||||||
T u | I knowhow to add numbers to make different totals up to 5 and I ambeginning to work out take away answers as well. | SupplyTeacher M/O: Number rhymewith Lucy. Y1/2: Fans 10 more/ less in pairs.
MAIN: Spread dominoes ontable. Who can find a domino with 7 spots altogether? 3 spots? Etc.Ensure children are counting on from the biggestnumber. Set crn task offinding dominoes with total of 4. Collect together. How could werecord what we have found? Take suggestions (drawings, numbersentences). Record. OP and JG startactivity.
Y2: Work throughbeginning of number lines problem. Encourage use of known facts,adding on to make 10 then adding on to the target number, trial andimprovement. Use number line tosupport and record additions.
| Complete number lines problem inpairs. Ned (Y1) to work onproblem with Abigail (Use a number line to 20 to support)
| Find alldominoes with a total of 5 spots. Record inbooks. JG and OP towork as a team.
| EducationCity: Reception Shepards Watch
TA to set up.
| Use number fans inpairs (Abi and Ned to pair up). Answer additionproblems. | Not achieved:
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| I know mynumber facts to 20. I can add3 small numbers. | ||||||||
| Objectiveand Success Criteria | M/Oand Main Teaching | Upper /Y2 | Middle /Y1 | Lower /Recep | Plenary | Evaluation | |
W | I knowhow to add numbers to make different totals up to 5 and I ambeginning to work out take away answers as well. | Supplyteacher MO: (With Lucy) Sing1,2 buckle my shoe with actions. Y1/2: 10 more / 10less bingo. Crn write down multiples of 10. Call 10 more than 50ect. Crn write down. Display ITP number line as visual aid.
MAIN: Show how toplay dice connect (Primary Games Volume 3). Askchildren to show the answer on their whiteboards. Talk throughstrategies bonds to 10, doubles etc.
Use multiples dice.Roll dice and add / subtract. How can our number facts to 10help? | Practice adding multiples of 10 worksheet. | Primary GamesVol 3 Dice connect. OP and JG oneteam, NT other team.
*Need 1laptop. | Jack in the box (1) (chosing the right missing number in line of 5 numbers).
*Need 1 laptop | Look at numbersentences: 6+6 = 3 + 5 = 8+2+4 = Whatstrategies?
| Not achieved:
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| I canrecall number facts for each number up to 10. | |||||||
Th | I canuse what it says in a problem to work out what sum todo. | MO (WithLucy): Y1/2:BEAM starter numbersquare, link to 10 more / 10 less.
MAIN: * + * = 10 whatcould the numbers be? Pairs write all solutions on boards. Y1 Startactivity
Show coat hanger with20 pegs, 10 blue, 1 yellow. Use to solve bonds to 20: Move 1 pegover to show 19+1 = 20 which bond to 10 helps (9+1) Repeat forother bonds to 20. | Play Water raider 2on laptops to practice bonds to 20, then multiples to 100.
Monitor AD playingactivity. | Play snakes andladders with 2 dice. Add numbers together first what strategieswill they use to add numbers? Which number will they put first? Canthey see a bond to 10? | NumberJigsaws. | Play Ed city Spin aring to practice subtracting multiples of 10.
| Not achieved:
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| I canrecall number facts for each number up to 10. | |||||||
| F | I can usewhat it says in a problem to work out what sum to do. | MO: (With Lucy) UseCounting Rhymes big book. Y1/2:Pairs one child oddone child even. Each shows fingers add together. If total odd,odd wins, if even, even wins.
MAIN:Read worded problemsand decide on operation. Solve, do one for each operation.
| Solve worded problemsinvolving all 4 operations. | Solve simplepictorial and worded problems involving addition andsubtraction. | ---- | Hand out numbersentences to pairs pairs to make up worded problem to match andsolve as class. | Not achieved:
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| I candecide which calculations to do to solve a problem. | |||||||
| Overview of learningfor KS1: MENTAL ORAL: know 10more / less than any multiples of 10 / 2 digit number. MAIN: Y1 buildmodels, pictures and patterns with 2D/3D shapes, name shapes anddescribe their features, sort shapes / numbers. Y2: make and draw2d shapes and patterns and 3D models, describe properties * makeand describe symmetrical patterns. | |||||||||
| Foundation StageObjectives: Use familiar objects andcommon shapes to create and recreate patterns and buildmodels Use languagesuch as circle or bigger to describe the shape and size ofsolids and flat shapes | Linked AdultInitiated Play Activities: See receptionplan | ||||||||
| Objective/ success criteria | M/O andDirect teaching | Upper /Y2 | Middle /Y1 | Reception | Plenary | Evaluation | |||
M | I knowthe names of familiar 2-D and 3-D shapes and I can picture theseshapes in my head | MO: 10 more / less counting on number square (12, 10 more than 12 is 22, 10 more than22 is 32. Use add / take away vocab too).
Show range of 2D(flat) shapes what can you tell me about.Use vocab cards anddisplay. Explain that I amgoing to describe a shape and ask the children to identify it (thisshape has one curved side that goes all the way around it, thisshape has 3 straight sides and three corners, etc. As crn identifythe shapes, place them up on the board. * CF and AD needpentagon, hexagon and octagon reinforcing. | Education CityY2 Nine Lives. Play game in pairs,listen and read the description of properties, then choose thecorrect shape.
| Play Education cityY1 match the shapes. | Hand outskipping elastic. Call out a shape, crn work as a group to createit. (Check CFAD hex pent oct.) |
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T u | I knowthe names of familiar 2-D and 3-D shapes and I can picture theseshapes in my head | MO: 10 more / less BEAM. Number songR/1/2
Introduce 3D shapesby doing magic trick turning flat shape into fat shape (magicbox, 2D shape goes in, 3D shape comes out).Look at all the 3Dshapes and name / label. Talk about faces and edges and displayvocab.
Sing (to tune of thisold man): 'mystery bag whatsinside Crn pull shape out,say name.
Extended todescribing shape child picks shape frombag, describes, class discuss and guess which shape. Encourage useof face and edge vocab. | Play shapes in a baggame (to include cone, prisms). | Play shape in a baggame in a group with cuboid, cylinder, sphere, cube andpyramid.
| Play with wooden 3Dbuilding shapes. | Shape shop telephonegame, crn have to phone and order a shape by describing itsproperties. |
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Blisland WeeklyPlanning Sheet for R, 1 & 2 Numeracy Liz Rawlings INFANTCLASS Spring 1 Wk3 (Unit 2 BlockB ) CT=Teacherfocus TA= additional support is given I =ind
| Objectiveand Success Criteria | M/Oand Main Teaching | Upper /Y2 | Middle /Y1 | Lower /Recep | Plenary | Evaluation | |
W | I knowthe names of familiar 2-D and 3-D shapes and I can picture theseshapes in my head | MO: 10 more / less grids to complete. Number songR/1/2
MAIN: Sorting shapesaccording to properties venn diagram use hoops. Crn to selectcriteria for sorting. PlayShape bingo with mixof 2D and 2D shapes. Include hex, pent, oct check AD/CF knowthese now. | Make 3D shapes usingclixi, polydron. | Make models with 3Dshapes. Make list of shapes used to display with model. | Crn to talk about themodels / shapes they have made and describe shapes to class usingface, edges etc. |
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| I canuse a construction kit to make a model of a 3-D solid that Iknow. | |||||||
Th | I canuse numbers or shapes to make patterns of my own. I can describe mypatterns to others
| MO: 10more / less fans. Number lines and squares as support. Numbersong R/1/2
MAIN: Providekaleidoscopes, mirrors. Ask the crn, in pairs, to investigate themand talk about what they see.Introduce the factthat they all produce reflections. Explain symmetry.
Demonstratehow to select the symmetry tool in the paint program. Discuss whathappens as you use different tools on each side of the screen.Ensure crn know term line of symmetry. | Use RM colour magic give list of challenges to crete certain symmetrical images andshapes (sun, face, butterfly, house) | Use RM colour magic(Green Level, choose vertical symmetry) to create a symmetricalpattern.
Print fordisplay.
| Look forsymmetrical patterns outside. Use you find asymmetrical pattern? Why is the pattern symmetrical? |
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| I canmake a symmetrical pattern using coloured tiles. | |||||||
| F | I canuse shapes to make patterns of my own. I can describe my patternsto others. | MO: 10 more/ less bingo. Number songR/1/2
MAIN: Show crnselection of symmetrical pictures on IWB (vertical and horizontallines of symmetry. Ask chd to come and draw in the line ofsymmetry. Use Symmetry ITP chdto come up and create simple pattern on one side of mirror.Another chd to complete symmetrical pattern using the whiteboardpens. Is it correct discuss? Check by revealing the pattern onthe ITP. Repeat several timesuntil secure. |
Complete symmetricalpictures. Use mirror to help. | - Dem how to use acube to print a square, cone to print a circle, cuboid to print 2rectangles. (Repeat pattern again). - Dem how to print onplaydough using different faces. - Dem threading abead pattern. In pairs crn producepatterns printing with paint or in playdough or threading beadstrings. | Practice drawinglines of symmetry on shapes using IWB. include pent / hex, octfor reinforcement (AD/CF). YR/1 describepatterns. |
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| I cancomplete a symmetrical picture by drawing the 'otherhalf' | |||||||
Next week integratewith ICT unit (Beebot drawing patterns, shapes on paper felttip pen attatched. Can they programme the beebot to draw a square?Zig zag, Screnn turtle to make shapes, remote controlledcar.)