Name | medium term PSRN- Spring 3- year R |
Owner | Ruth |
Level | 0 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | Misc |
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File 1 | 176_xRSB -medterm Yr R-PSRN-term 3-Spring08.doc |
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Date Unit | ELG(Bold)/ Reception PSRN overview Yr Robjectives-Learning Intentions SuccessCriteria | Vocabulary |
| 1. Matchsets of objects to numerals that represent the number of objects MD3b Reception1 I canmatch objects to numbers 2. Talkabout, recognise and recreate simple patterns. MD 3b Reception11 I canrecognise,talkabout and make my own patterns 3. Usefamiliar objects and shapes to create and recreate patterns andbuild models Reception11 I canuse objects & shapes to make patterns 4. Uselanguage such as circle or bigger to describe the shape andsize of solids and flat shapes. MD3c Reception11 I cantalk about and describe the shape & size of flat & solidshapes 5. Countreliably up to 10 everyday objects. MD 1b Reception3 I cancount up to 10 objects 6. Observenumber relationships and patterns in the environment and use theseto derive facts Reception5 I canuse patterns to help me work out what I know 7. Findone more or less than a number from 1 to 10. MD 3c Reception2 I canfind 1 more/ 1 less from any number up to 10 8. Selecttwo groups of objects to make a given total of objects Reception8 I canuse 2 groups of objects to make a total | problem, answer,method, number sentence, sign, operation, explain, read, write,record, count, compare, order, estimate, predict, pattern,repeating pattern, sort, property, set, group zero, one, two, three,, hundred; first, second, third, ; ones, tens, teens number,exchange, digit count to, count on/backto/from, count up to/from, the same number as, as many as, equalto, equals (=), sign, more, less, before, after, halfway, nearly,roughly, add, plus (+), makes, sum, total, altogether, subtract,minus (), take away, leaves, difference, double, halve,half how many ?, how manymore to make ?, how many more is than ?, how much more is ?,how many fewer is than ?, how much less is ?, what is thedifference between ? shape, make, build,draw, curved, straight, hollow, solid, flat, side, corner, point,face, edge, cube, cuboid, pyramid, cone, cylinder, sphere,triangle, circle, rectangle, square
Date Unit | ELG(Bold)/ Reception PSRN overview Yr Robjectives-Learning Intentions SuccessCriteria | Vocabulary |
| 1. Sortobjects making choices and justifying decisions Reception6 I cansort objects saying how/ why I have sorted them 2. Describesolutions to practical problems, drawing on experience, talkingabout their own ideas, methods and choices Reception5 I cantell you how I solved a problem, telling you my ideas 3.Uselanguage such as greater, smaller, heavier or lighter tocompare quantities MD3a Reception13 I cancompare quantities. 4.Useeveryday language related to time; order and sequence familiarevents and measure short periods of time Reception14 I canuse words to talk about time. I canput events in order and measure time 5.Sort familiar objects to identify their similarities anddifferences. Reception6 I cansort out objects, saying how they are thesame/different. 6.Counthow many objects share a particular property, presenting resultsusing pictures, drawings or numerals Reception6 I cancount how many objects are the same & show what I found out usingpictures or numbers
| problem, question,explain, predict, pattern, collect, organise, compare, order, sort,group, same, different, property, represent, interpret, count,tally, vote, measure, weigh, guess information, graph,block graph, pictogram, diagram, list, table, label, title zero,one, two, three, , twenty; first, second, third, ; more/less,most/least, most/least popular, most/least common, about the sameas, enough, not enough, too much, too little, too many, too few,nearly, roughly, about, close to, just over, just under, halfway how many ?,how many more is than ?, how much more is ?, how many fewer is than ?, how much less is ? unit, ruler, metrestick, tape measure, balance, scales, container, measuring jug,capacity, weight, length, width, height, depth, size, long, short,tall, high, low, wide, narrow, deep, shallow, thick, thin, andcomparatives such as longer/longest, heavier/heaviest, holdsmore/holds most
Date Unit | ELG(Bold)/ Reception PSRN overview Yr Robjectives-Learning Intentions SuccessCriteria | Vocabulary |
11/2, 20/2 AssessmentWeek Art/Design Week
| 1. Usedeveloping mathematical ideas and methods to solve practicalproblems MD 1d/ 3e Reception8/9 I canuse maths to help sort a problem. 2. Countreliably up to 10 everyday objects MD 1c Reception3 I cancount up to 10 objects. 3. Estimatehow many objects they can see and check by counting Reception3 I canestimate and check how many in a set 4. Countaloud in ones, twos, fives or tens Reception5 I cancount in 2s/5s and 10s 5. Uselanguage such as circle or bigger to describe the shape andsize of solids and flat shapes. MD 3c Reception11 I cantalk about and describe the shape & size of flat & solidshapes 6. Useeveryday words to describe position. MD 3c Reception12 I canuse the correct words to talk about an objectsposition
| problem,method, number sentence, explain, record, compare, order, measure,weigh count, guess,estimate, roughly, enough, not enough, too much, too little, toomany, too few, more, less, the same number as, equals (=), add,plus (+), sum, total, altogether, subtract, minus (), take away,difference, double, halve, half, quarter, how many ?, how much? position, direction,grid, outside, inside, beside, next to, front, back, between,centre, underneath, above, on top of, below, halfway, near, far,whole turn, half turn, quarter turn, right, left |