Examples of tasks / activitiesinformed by Programmes of Study:
Organisation of children;differentiation [where appropriate]
Children toexplore in groups some creation myths. Identify commonfeatures.
Read and explorethe two creation myths in Genesis-compare and contrast thesetwo.
Consider issuesassociated with image and likeness of God dignityprejudice.
Children identifytheir own talents have to be used and develop ourgifts.
Write a promise to use our gifts/talents to help someone.
Highlight partsof the text of St. Francis canticle of Creation that praise Godfor the world he has made.
Children tocreate their own version of the Canticle of Creation.
Look at thequalities highlighted by the Beatitudes and write prayers askingGod to help
them usetheir talents.
Reflect in aliturgy the diversity of people and creation/God theCreator.