Communication,Language& Literacy
Daily phonicslesson
Poetry- readingand writing tongue twisters, rhymes and riddles.
Fiction- readingdifferent stories by the same author and using these ideas to writeown.
Non-fiction-using a dictionary.
Writing about ownhouse and a brochure on Marston Montgomery.
usingconstruction kits
outdoor provisionin new enclosed area.
games lessonoutside on Mondays
indoor gymnasticson Thursdays
Personal,Social & Emotional Development
Consider our needof shelter
People in myschool
People who livearound our school
Developing goodrelationships with people. Interviewing others.
Walk to schoolideas.
Knowledge& Understanding of the World
Learning ownaddress.
Investigatedifferent types of houses in area.
Drawing maps andplans.
Program route forelectronic toy.
Science- work onelectricity
Devise survey andmake graphs.
Routes around thevillage.
Explore St GilesChurch.
Count to 20/100 &beyond
Double and halvenumbers
Estimate amounts& check
Find 1or10more/less
Counting on(+)
Differencebetween (-)
Calculateproblems using +, -, x and .
Whole, and turns
Symmetry of 2Dshapes
Drawings andpaintings from observation
Design and makemodel houses.
design matchingwallpaper, border and curtains.
Design a shoe boxroom.
Taking digitalphotos