Name | Rainforests |
Owner | shelleymccuk |
Level | 4 |
Topic | Geography |
Unit | Rainforests |
Description | Year 4 Geography - Rainforests |
File 1 | 32_Geography - Rainforests.doc |
File 2 |
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TOPIC:Rainforests(Geography/Science) | TERM:Spring2007 | CLASS 3 | MrsMcClean |
NC Programme of Study | LearningObjectives | MainActivities | Resources | Links withICT |
GEOGRAPHY 1aAsk geographicalquestions 2aUse appropriategeog vocabulary 2cUse atlases,globes & maps at a range of scales 3aIdentify &describe what places are like 3bKnow the locationof places & environments (rainforests) 7bstudy a range ofplaces & environments in different parts of the world | * To Identify theequator and tropics of Cancer & Capricorn and know that tropicalrainforests are situated between the tropics | LocatingRainforests on a World Map 1)Tell the class wewill be studying tropical rainforests. Discuss what they alreadyknow. 2)Identify theequator on a globe & show it on a world map. Locate some countriesthat lie on or are crossed by the equator & discuss what theweather is like there. 3)Look at a globe &identify the tropics of Cancer & Capricorn. Explain that the areabetween these lines is known as the tropics.
Give children aworld map with the areas of tropical rainforest. Children to edgeround these in orange so they stand out. They should label theequator and the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Extension:Children label 7continents and oceans and colour the oceans in blue. | Globe
World map
Tropicalrainforest World map | World Map onSmartboard |
GEOGRAPHY 1aAsk geographicalquestions 2aUse appropriategeographical vocabulary 2cUse atlases,globes & maps at a range of scales 3aIdentify &describe what places are like 3bKnow the locationof places & environments (rainforests) | * To namecountries which contain tropical rainforests and find out somefacts about them | TropicalRainforest Countries 1)Show a large mapof the world & ask the children to locate where rainforests are.List country names on board. 2)Explain tochildren they are going to work in pairs to find out more aboutthese places what is the weather like there? How much rainforestis there? What is the capital city of the country called?Brainstorm some more questions as a class of what you might be ableto find out. E.g. Population, religion, famous for, food,etc.
HA/MA- Children work inpairs. They choose a country and try to find out as much as theycan about that country and the rainforest it contains. They shoulduse a childrens atlas, a range of non-fiction texts, CD Rom & theinternet. LA- Children labelthe countries containing tropical rainforests using a childrensatlas. | Atlases
Childrens mapscreated in session 1
Internetaccess | Use of theinternet to research |
GEOGRAPHY 1aAsk geographicalquestions 2aUse appropriategeog vocabulary 2cUse atlases,globes, maps at a range of scales 3aIdentify &describe what places are like 3fDescribe andexplain how places are similar and different from other places inthe world in terms of climate SCIENCE 2aUse scientificlanguage to explain phenomena 4dTo understandthat places on the equator are nearer to the sun than places nearerthe pole and that is why they are hotter | * To identifydifferent global climatic zones; describe the climate in thetropics
* To understandthat places on the equator are nearer to the sun than places nearerthe pole and that is why they are hotter | RainforestClimate 1)Ask children toidentify the tropics & feed back what they know about globalclimates. Locate Arctic circle & Antarctic on map & discuss whatthe weather is like here. 2)Identify areasbetween the Arctic circle & the Tropic of Cancer and Antarctic &Tropic of Capricorn. Tell children these areas are known astemperate climate zones. Find Britain in this climatic zone.Discuss what our weather is like. 3)Explain how thecloser to the tropics you get, the warmer the weather gets. 4)Look at thetropical zone. Explain to the children they will be describing whatthe weather is like there.
Children work inpairs to read tropical rainforest climatic info & make notes on keyfeatures of the weather in these areas. Explain that children willbe making a weather forecast for a country in this area so theyshould practise doing a forecast! They could also make props ofclouds, suns, etc., to stick on the map with blue-tac. | Globe
World map
Card Blue Tac
Rainforest ClimateInformation | World Map onSmartboard |
TOPIC:Rainforests(Geography/Science) | TERM:Spring2007 | CLASS 3 | MrsMcClean |
NC Programme of Study | LearningObjectives | MainActivities | Resources | Links withICT |
GEOGRAPHY 3aIdentify &describe what places are like 3fto describe &explain how places are similar and different from other places inthe world in terms of climate
| * To understandand appreciate what it would be like to live in a rainforestclimate
* To know aboutthe effect of weather and climate on human activity | Livingin a Rainforest Climate 1)Explain to theclass they will be acting out living in a tropical rainforestclimate. Discuss how this climate is similar/different to our own,e.g. no seasons, always hot, very sweaty, lots of rain, hot when itrains, never snows, sun everyday, never grey, etc./It tends to raina lot here sometimes, can be hot in summer, etc. 2)Discuss what itwould feel like to spend time in a tropical rainforest. What wouldbe the good/bad things about the weather? 3)Use BBC websitegame to introduce idea of what to pack for a visit to therainforest.
In pairs, write alist of what they would pack if they were visiting the Amazonrainforest, taking weather and climate intoconsideration. LA- Provide variousoptions HA- Provideexplanations
Take a look atinformation books for images of people in the rainforest. What arethey wearing? What types of fabric are being used? Why do peoplewear boots and long trousers when its hot? (Protection) | Non-fictionbooks
Internetaccess | Photos onSmartboard |
GEOGRAPHY 2dUse secondarysources of info including internet & non-fiction texts3d/3e/3f Recognise & discusshow environments vary in terms of climate, plant & animal life,recognise how these factors are interdependent & begin to see therelationship between different rainforest environments | * To find outabout the 4 layers of rainforest, researching oneindependently | Layersof the Rainforest 1)Recap what thechildren already know about rainforests, their climate, location,etc. 2)Use a non-fictiontext & show children a picture of the rainforest with the 4 layerslabelled. Begin at the top & explain what each layer is called &why. Provide the children with a brief explanation of how thelayers vary but explain to them they will find out about one of thelayers & tell the rest of the class about it.
Divide thechildren into four groups: Emergent, canopy, understorey & forestfloor, Children to work in pairs or individually within theirgroup. Provide them with a non-fiction text and/or internet accesscontaining information about their layer what is it like? Whatanimals/plants live there? What effect does it have on the rest ofthe jungle? Etc. Children to colour their layer in on the worksheet& write information they find out. | Rainforest LayersInformation Sheet
Rainforest LayersRecording Sheet
Rainforest LayersInternet Links | Access to theinternet |
GEOGRAPHY 2aUse appropriategeographical vocabulary 3aIdentify &describe what places are like 3dExplain whyplaces are like they are SCIENCE 1cMake linksbetween life processes in animals & plants & their environments inwhich they are found 5bLearn aboutdifferent plants & animals found in different habitats | * To find outabout creatures living in the rainforest environment
* To learn thatrainforests are home to a huge variety of plant and animalspecies | Varietyof Species in the Rainforest 1)Look at a mapshowing the rainforest distribution across the world & explain thatonly 6% of the worlds surface is covered in rainforest. Despitethis they are home to over 90% of the worlds plant & animalspecies. 2)Explain that wewill be finding out about the variety of living things in therainforest.
Groups ofchildren to choose a type of species: trees, plants, epiphytes,mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, fish, some of these can bedivided into subgroups, e.g. insects could be ants & termites,arachnids (spiders), flying insects, etc. Each group to have accessto a variety of non-fiction texts, internet resources & infosheets. Children to write facts about their rainforest species &try to include figures on how many varieties thereare.
| World map showingrainforests
Animal InformationSheets | Access to theinternet |
TOPIC:Rainforests(Geography/Science) | TERM:Spring2007 | CLASS 3 | MrsMcClean |
NC Programme of Study | LearningObjectives | MainActivities | Resources | Links withICT |
SCIENCE 1cMake linksbetween life processes in animals & plants & their environments inwhich they are found 4cUnderstand thatthe variety of plants and animals makes it important to identifythem and assign them to groups 5bLearn aboutdifferent plants & animals found in different habitats 5cUnderstand howplants & animals are suited to their environments | * To find out howparticular animal species are suited and have adapted to live inthe rainforest | Adaptationsof Life In the Rainforest 1)Recap that thereis a vast variety of species in the rainforest & why. 2)Explain that asthe rainforest is one of the oldest ecosystems on the planet thespecies have had a long time to adapt/change to suit theirenvironment what does this mean? Explain to children how, overtime, species change to make the most of their environment giveexample of Epiphytes.
HA/MA- Children tochoose one rainforest animal (bird, mammal or insect), draw apicture of it and write some sentences to show how it survives inthe rainforest how is it adapted to its environment? Encouragethe children to look at weird and wonderful creatures such as thechameleon or the thorn bug they should identify and name theirchosen creature and use a range of non-fiction books to helpthem. LA Children tolabel a jaguar picture, thinking about how its claws, markings,eyes, etc., help it survive.
| Non-fictionbooks
Jaguar labellingpicture | Access to theinternet |
SCIENCE 1cMake linksbetween life processes in animals & their environment 4cUnderstand thatthe variety of different animals makes it important to classifythem 5bLearn about howdifferent animals are found in different habitats 5cUnderstand howanimals & plants are suited to their habitats GEOGRAPHY 1eCommunicatediscoveries in ways appropriate to the task & the audience 2dUse secondarysources of information including internet & non-fictiontexts 7bstudy a range ofplaces & environments in the world | * To research howrainforest creatures are adapted to their habitat
* To carry outresearch into rainforest animals | AnimalSpecies at Each Layer 1)Using a largephoto of the rainforest ask the children to identify & brieflyexplain about each of the 4 layers. 2)Discuss how theclimate varies at each layer. How do the children think this, &other factors such as height, will affect the wildlife that livesin each layer? Do the same animals live in every layer? Do someanimals move from different layers? Some animals always stay in thelayer they are born why? 3)Show websitePlanet Arkive and investigate examples of animals living in eachlayer. 4)Explain tochildren they are going to find out about different animals & wherein the rainforest they live. They need to explain why thatparticular animal lives where it does how is that layer suited toits needs?
Children tochoose an animal they are interested in, e.g. monkey, gorilla,jaguar, snake, tarantula, etc., & use non-fiction texts & theinternet to find out about which layer this animal spends most ofits life in. Does it move layer for any reason? Why does it livethere as opposed to another layer? Encourage the children to findout about unusual animals, classify these, specifying what type ofanimal this is, & to look at how they survive & protect themselves.Remember the rainforest is teaming with life & much of it survivesby hunting other creatures! | Internetaccess
Non-fictionbooks | Photo of therainforest & animals on the IWB
GEOGRAPHY 3fDescribing andexplaining how and why Rainforest settlements are similar ordifferent from their locality
| * To identify whatplaces and the lives of people are like | LivingLife in the Rainforest 1)Explain that,despite all the rain and the wildlife, about 1.5 million peoplelive in rainforests around the world & their daily life is verydifferent than ours. 2)Read pages228-233 from Bloomin Rainforests. Highlight the fact that housesare built from natural materials, and the importance of fire forcooking and heating during the cool nights. What are the roles ofadults in the village? What about the children? What about thetypes of food they eat?
HA/MA- Children torecord information under five headings. Encourage them to makenotes rather than record whole sentences, and not to simply copyinformation. LA- Support thechildren through guided reading of single texts together, modellingthe recording of the notes on a flipchart. Allow frequentopportunities for them to ask questions. | Horrible GeographyBloomin Rainforests (AnitaGaneri)
Non fictionbooks Internetaccess
| Access to theinternet |
TOPIC:Rainforests(Geography/Science) | TERM:Spring2007 | CLASS 3 | MrsMcClean |
NC Programme of Study | LearningObjectives | MainActivities | Resources | Links withICT |
GEOGRAPHY 3fDescribing andexplaining how and why Rainforest settlements are similar ordifferent from their locality | * To identify whatplaces and the lives of people are like | A day inthe life! Rainforest Diaries 1) Rereadpages 228-233 from Bloomin Rainforests. Ask for thoughts andcomments about the life of that ten year old in Brazil. Does shesound happy/sad? What things worry her? Why is this a big concern?What are the similarities between her life and those of thechildren? 2)Place two chairsat the front of the room, invite two children to sit and inrole-play being a rainforest child or a where you live child.Prompt the actors with times of the day. The two children shouldmime an action, with the rest of the class guessing what he or sheis doing. Rotate children and roles frequently.
HA- Children towrite a single diary entry as written by a child living in therainforest. MA- Using notescollected in the last lesson, children to use the A day in thelife writing frame to outline a typical day for a child living inthe rainforest, before giving details of their own typicalday. LA- Using the A dayin the life writing frame children to outline their typical dayusing the prompts provided about rainforest life to give thenecessary detail about their own lives.
| Horrible GeographyBloomin Rainforests (AnitaGaneri)
A day in thelife writing frame |
GEOGRAPHY 1aAsk geographicalquestions 2aUse appropriategeographical vocabulary 2cUse atlases,globes & maps at a range of scales 5arecognise howpeople can damage the environment and how decisions about placesand environments affect people, plants, animals | * To understandthat rainforest is being destroyed & explore a variety of differentcauses
* To understandthat the destruction of the rainforest will mean the death of manyspecies of plants and animals | Causesof Deforestation 1)Explain whatdeforestation is. Look at the National Geographic website & watchthe animations from NASA. Look at pictures and also at informationtexts. 2)Discuss why itmatters if we destroy the rainforest - brainstorm somesuggestions. 3)Show each of thecauses of deforestation listed on the 'Rainforest Live' website.Discuss causes given farming, fires, homes, timber, mining/oiland roads.
Children to worktogether using the internet website Rainforest Live to researcha given cause for deforestation. Provide other useful websiteaddresses & encourage the children to find out as much as possibleabout the cause.
| Internetaccess |
GEOGRAPHY 5arecognise howpeople can damage the environment and how decisions about placesand environments affect people, plants, animals | * To identify waysof protecting the rainforests
* To know howpeople affect the environment | Solutionsto Deforestation Read the Friendsof the Earth leaflet Rainforest Solutions and discuss ways thechildren can help to protect the environment of therainforests.
Children tocreate a poster advertising to other children what they can do tohelp protect the rainforests. LA- Provide keyphrases HA- Encourage morecomplex ideas | Friends of theEarth leaflet Rainforest Solutions | Display leaflet onIWB |