Brenden is Teaching


NameFairground Rides
TopicDesign Technology
UnitFairground Rides
DescriptionYear 6 DT - Fairground Rides
File 132_DT - Fairgrounds.doc
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TOPIC:DT -Fairground

TERM:SummerTerm 2007




NC Programme

of Study




Links withICT


Knowledge,skills and understanding


1aGenerate ideas forproducts after thinking about who will use them and what they willbe used for, using information from a number of sources, includingICT-based sources


1bDevelop ideas andexplain them clearly, putting together a list of what they wanttheir design to achieve


1cPlan what theyhave to do, suggesting a sequence of actions and alternatives, ifneeded


1dCommunicate designideas in different ways as these develop, bearing in mind aestheticqualities, and the uses and purposes for which the product isintended


Workingwith tools, equipment, materials and components to make qualityproducts


2aSelect appropriatetools and techniques for making their product


2bSuggestalternative ways of making their product, if first attemptsfail


2cExplore thesensory qualities of materials and how to use materials andprocesses


2dMeasure, mark out,cut and shape a range of materials, and assemble, join and combinecomponents and materials accurately


2eUse finishingtechniques to strengthen and improve the appearance of theirproduct




* To identifyproducts which incorporate a pulley and drive belt and are drivenby a motor or are computer controlled

* To identifycontrol systems in everyday life and name the key elements of asystem

Investigative,Disassembly and Evaluative Activities (IDEAs)


1)Use the IWB toshow a videos and photographs of fairground rides that haverotating parts. Discuss the childrens experience of suchrides:

- How does theride turn?

- Can you see themechanism which turns the ride?

- What are thedifferent parts called?

- How are thecomponents joined together?

2)Show examples ofpulley mechanisms on IWB & discuss how they work.

3)Children to drawlabelled diagrams of some of the rides seen & suggest how theymight work.



Video clips &pictures displayed on IWB



Video clips &pictures displayed on IWB






* To connect anelectric motor in a circuit to make it work in various ways

* To use a beltand pulley system to produce a variety of types of rotation, e.g.reverse, in another plane, faster, slower

* To useconstruction kit components to model their ideas for parts of aproduct they would like to make

Investigative,Disassembly and Evaluative Activities (IDEAs)


1)Children toinvestigate different ways of making a framework to hold the model,for example:

- build the modelon a baseboard

- use card andstraws

- use a frameworkwith added triangles or diagonals

- use aconstruction kit.

Consider carefullyhow to support the rotating part on a well-supported axle or aspindle.

2)Set up activitieswhich allow the children to experiment with:

- the use ofelastic bands and a pulley, e.g. cotton reels on spindles toinvestigate transferring movement from one axle to another.T

- the use of apulley on an electric motor with an elastic band to producerotation of cotton reels on a spindle or a drink can on an axle.Hold the electric motor in different positions to discover the bestarrangement.






SwitchesCrocodile clips


Wood scraps Woodstrips





* To apply whatthey have learnt through IDEAs/FPTs in their designing andmaking

* To decide whichtype of ride they will make

* To model theirdesign using temporary fixings

* To identifycriteria for their ride against which it will be evaluated bothduring and at the end of the making stage

Design and MakeAssignment (DMA)

Design and make afairground ride


1)Discuss whichtype of ride the children will make, e.g. roundabout type(horizontal rotation) or Ferris wheel type (vertical rotation).Restrict the childrens choices to one of these for simplicity andmanageability; explain to the children the aspects of the designthat are set (e.g. according to materials available) and thoseaspects about which they have free choice (e.g. colour, finish,style). 2) Ask the children to list their design criteria inorder of importance, e.g. To be successful our fairground rideshould......

3)Children tocomplete a written design proposal with annotated diagrams.



Photosfor ideas




TOPIC:DT -Fairground

TERM:SummerTerm 2007




NC Programme

of Study




Links withICT


Evaluatingprocesses & products


3aReflect on theprogress of their work as they design and make, identifying waysthey could improve their products


3bCarry outappropriate tests before making any improvements


3crecognise that thequality of a product depends on how well it is made and how well itmeets its intended purpose


Knowledgeand understanding of materials and components


4aHow the workingcharacteristics of materials affect the ways they are used


4bHow materials canbe combined and mixed to create more useful properties

4cHow mechanisms canbe used to make things move in different ways


4dHow electricalcircuits, including those with simple switches, can be used toachieve results that work


Breadthof study


5aInvestigating andevaluating a range of familiar products, thinking about how theywork, how they are used and the views of the people who usethem


5bFocused practicaltasks that develop a range of techniques, skills, processes andknowledge


5c Design and make assignments using arange of materials


* To make aproduct in which an electric motor successfully drives a rotatingpart

Design andMake Assignment (DMA)

Design and make afairground ride


1)Children to makethe rotating part of their product first and ensure that it can berotated freely by hand.

2)Add the electricmotor and drive belt.

3)Finish the ride,e.g. by adding cladding, colour, seats, etc.






SwitchesCrocodile clips


Wood scraps Woodstrips



A variety of materials for makingthe rides


Assorted paper, ribbon, string,elastic bands, paper plates, adhesive, sticky tape, saws, drillsand bits


Tools for cutting and shaping theabove materials




* To evaluate theeffectiveness of their design and be able to adjust it to improveefficiency/effectiveness

Design andMake Assignment (DMA)

Design and make afairground ride


1)Make a display ofthe finished fairground rides and allow the children to testthem.

2)Children toevaluate their finished model.

