Name | Money Containers |
Owner | shelleymccuk |
Level | 4 |
Topic | Design Technology |
Unit | Money Containers |
Description | Year 4 DT - Money Containers |
File 1 | 32_DT - Money Containers.doc |
File 2 |
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TOPIC:DT -Money Containers | TERM:SummerTerm 2007 | CLASS 3 | MrsMcClean |
NC Programme of Study | LearningObjectives | MainActivities | Resources | Links withICT |
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Knowledge,skills and understanding
1aGenerate ideas forproducts after thinking about who will use them and what they willbe used for, using information from a number of sources, includingICT-based sources
1bDevelop ideas andexplain them clearly, putting together a list of what they wanttheir design to achieve
1cPlan what theyhave to do, suggesting a sequence of actions and alternatives, ifneeded
1dCommunicate designideas in different ways as these develop, bearing in mind aestheticqualities, and the uses and purposes for which the product isintended
Workingwith tools, equipment, materials and components to make qualityproducts
2aSelect appropriatetools and techniques for making their product
2bSuggestalternative ways of making their product, if first attemptsfail
2cExplore thesensory qualities of materials and how to use materials andprocesses
2dMeasure, mark out,cut and shape a range of materials, and assemble, join and combinecomponents and materials accurately
* To understandthat containers for money are designed for different purposes andusers but have common features * To evaluateproducts and identify criteria that can be used for their owndesigns * To make labelleddrawings from different views showing specific features
| Investigative,Disassembly and Evaluative Activities (IDEAs)
1)With thechildren, carefully examine a collection of money containers, e.g.purses, wallets & belt bags. Focus the childrens attention on theseams and seam allowance, fastenings and the names & number ofparts used in the construction and why they are used, e.g. gusset,strap, hem, etc. 2)Discuss thedifferent fabrics used, how the material is reinforced & theproperties needed in the fabric, e.g. hard-wearing. 3)Discuss differentfastenings e.g. buttons, press studs, hooks and eyes, Velcro,safety pins, lace, buckles, etc. What products are they used on?How do they work? Why is the fastening appropriate for the use? Isthe fastening a feature of the product? 4)Ask the childrenquestions, e.g. Which purse is most suitable for a youngchild/teenager/adult? Which would be the safest to keep your moneyin? Why is it useful to have compartments in a wallet? 5)Children to makeannotated sketches & notes of some of the money containers. |
A collection ofpurses, wallets, belt bags made from different materials, fromdifferent cultures, and with a range of fastenings | Pictures displayedon IWB |
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* To design aproduct for a specific purpose * To appreciatethe aesthetic qualities of a design * To draw upsimple design specifications | Investigative,Disassembly and Evaluative Activities (IDEAs)
Examine how asimple purse is constructed by taking one apart, showing itscomponent parts. Look carefully at how the parts have beenjoined.
Design andMake Assignment (DMA) Designand make a money container for themselves or someoneelse 1)Show the childrenexamples of purses, wallets, etc. & explain that their task is todesign & make their own. 2)Discuss thedesign criteria with the class: the money container should - beattractive & appeal to children - hold moneysecurely - have strongseams joined in stitch or with glue. 3)Children tosketch out ideas for purse/wallet designs based on the agreeddesign criteria and include a specification (type of fastenerneeded, material to be used, etc.) |
A collection ofpurses, wallets, belt bags made from different materials, fromdifferent cultures, and with a range of fastenings
Designsheet |
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* To know how tosew using a range of different joining techniques & stitches
* To know thatsome joining techniques are stronger/weaker than others | FocusedPractical Tasks (FPTs) 1)Demonstrate &allow the children to practise techniques, e.g. running stitch,back stitch, starting/finishing, etc. Provide a sheet showing howto form the stitches as an aid.
2)Ask the childrento sew two small pieces of fabric together & test which joiningmethod makes the strongest seam. |
A selection offabrics e.g. felt, calico, hessian
Scissors, threadand needles
Parentalhelp |
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TOPIC:DT- Money Containers | TERM:SummerTerm 2007 | CLASS 3 | Mrs McClean | |||||
NC Programme of Study | LearningObjectives | MainActivities | Resources | Links withICT |
2eUse finishingtechniques to strengthen and improve the appearance of theirproduct
Evaluatingprocesses & products
3aReflect on theprogress of their work as they design and make, identifying waysthey could improve their products
3bCarry outappropriate tests before making any improvements recognise that thequality of a product depends on how well it is made and how well itmeets its intended purpose
Knowledgeand understanding of materials and components
4aHow the workingcharacteristics of materials affect the ways they are used
Breadthof study
Pupils should betaught the Knowledge, skills and understanding through:
5aInvestigating andevaluating a range of familiar products, thinking about how theywork, how they are used and the views of the people who usethem
5bFocused practicaltasks that develop a range of techniques, skills, processes andknowledge 5cDesign and makeassignments using a range of materials
* To make a planof how to make the money container * To make a paperpattern/template that uses a seam allowance * To measure, tapeor pin, cut & join fabric with some accuracy
| Design andMake Assignment (DMA) Designand make a money container for themselves or someoneelse
1)Children to referback to their design. Remind them of the design specification: tokeep money safe; to be attractive to children; to be strong. 2)Demonstrate howto make a simple paper pattern for the money container, rememberingto include a seam allowance. 3)Children to writea simple action plan & make their paper pattern. |
Scissors, threadand needles
Paper andsellotape
Designsheet |
* To make a moneycontainer with some accuracy * To evaluatetheir product against their specification | Design andMake Assignment (DMA) Designand make a money container for themselves or someoneelse
1)Children to maketheir money containers. 2)Encourage thechildren to review their progress by making short notes aboutchanges/difficulties to help them with their finalevaluation. 3)Write anevaluation of their finished money container. |
Scissors, threadand needles
Materials fordecorative techniques e.g. embroiderythread and needles, fabric crayons, buttons, sequins, etc.
Evaluationsheet |