Brenden is Teaching


NameNewspapers Unit
UnitNon Fiction - Newspapers
DescriptionWeek 4 of Year 4 Non fiction unit Newspapers
File 152_Lit 21st Jan 08.doc
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Class: Term: Week beginning: Unit:

Class: 4NTTerm: Spring 1 Week beginning: 21.01.08 Unit:Non-fiction Newspapers and Magazines Phase: 4


Spiderman MovieDVD

Word newspapertemplate

Vocabularyviewpoints, bias, unbiased, quotes, adverbs, headlines


Text DVDSpiderman 3.

Homework Highlightthe facts and opinions in the different passages.





The children areable to:

Teaching InputW/S/T/S&L








To write sentencesusing new spellings.

I can read and spellwords that


Present the childrenwith new spellings on IWB look at the spelling rules forwords . Model how to include in a sentence. Ask childrenwhat level they think sentence is giving reasons and uplevel.

Write a report usingnew spellings.

Write a story usingnew spellings.

Write sentences usingnew spellings.

Super Stuarts Group2 support in thewriting of a report. Discuss key features

Choose children toread their reports or stories for class to evaluate.


To record evidencefor a newspaper article based on a range of sources.

I can record evidencefor a newspaper article based on a video clip.

View film extract ofSpiderman where he saves a woman from a building.Watch at leasttwice. Go through IWB showing stills from the film and discussincident facts. Model how to write notes as a recount of whathappened. Model how to use a graphic organiser to establishfactual recount information, i.e. the narrative sequence.


Children work as agroup to record events on the planning organiser then to writenotes as a recount of what happened.

Children work as agroup to record events on the planning organiser then write notesas a recount of what happened.

Chn work small groupto complete sequence of events in the film clip/ on A3 paper.Create a list of what happened with TSA

Target lowerachieving boys to write a recountof the Spiderman clip.

Show the film clipagain so groups can check their sequence. Discuss the key pointsthat have been recorded. Should any more be added? Could some beremoved?


To recognisedifferent viewpoints in a news report.

I can recognisedifferent viewpoints.


I can add quotationsto a recount.

Ask children toimagine they are going to interview Gwen Stacy/witness from insidethe building. Allow time to write down questions they would ask.Drama hot seating witnesses and Gwen Stacy teachers/TAs to actas characters and children to ask questions as if in a pressconference. Make notes to use as quotes in reports. Think, Pair,Share OWN viewpoint. Would all charactersdescribe the incident in the same way? Think about the differentviewpoints of the main characters.

Drama HA chn to take onrole as characters from the movie. LA + SEN to interview to helpthem think about another point of view. Make notes to use forquotes and descriptions.

Drama HA chn to take onrole as characters from the movie. LA + SEN to interview to helpthem think about another point of view. Make notes to use forquotes and descriptions.

Drama HA chn to take onrole as characters from the movie. LA + SEN to interview to helpthem think about another point of view. Make notes to use forquotes and descriptions.


Discuss why diffcharacters might have different views. If you have taken part in anincident is it possible to be unbiased? Remind class how difficultit was to change your mind after court room drama.


To plan and draft anewspaper report based on a visual clip.

I can use timeconnectives to link chronological writing.


I candraft newspaperreport.

Explain that chn aregoing to imagine they are newspaper reporters who have been askedto write about the incident in the film clip. Modelplanning a newspaper article using the ICT templateChn need to describethe incident chronologically and include some quotations andphotographs. Shared writing - write an opening paragraph togetherfor the report

Chn continue to workin the same groups, writing a first draft of the report

Chn continue to workin the same groups, writing a first draft of the report

Chn continue to workin the same groups, writing a first draft of the report.

TSA to work withTerrific Tudors, Teacher work with RivetingRomans.



To plan, draft andwrite a newspaper article using key language and presentationalfeatures.

I can plan, draft andwrite a newspaper article.


I can use the keylanguage and presentational features of a newspaper report.

Big WritingSession children to write anewspaper report of the Spiderman incident. Children to planbeforehand and use notes they made during the week.

Set classroom up withmusic, candles etc.

Children to write ownarticle using notes and drafts from previous lessons.

Children to write ownarticle using notes and drafts from previous lessons

Children to write ownarticle using notes and drafts from previous lessons


Choose children topresent their finished Spiderman reports.


Evaluation ofLearning