Name | Newspapers Unit |
Owner | Frusciante |
Level | 4 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Non Fiction - Newspapers |
Description | Week 3 of Year 4 planning for Newspapers unit. |
File 1 | 52_literacy planning 14.01.08 final.doc |
File 2 |
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Class:4NT/JT/SC Term: Spring 1 Week beginning:14.01.08 Unit: Non-fiction Newspapers and MagazinesPhase: 3 | ||||||||||
Cross-curricularlinks/ICT Expresso videoslinked to newspapers. | Vocabularyheadlines, sub-headings, report, 1st person, 3rd person,paragraphs, quotes, fact, opinion.
Text | Homework
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Day | LearningObjectives | Successcriteria The children areable to: | Teaching InputW/S/T/S&L | Groupactivities | GuidedWriting | Plenary | ||||
HA | A | L | ||||||||
1 | To write sentencesusing new spellings. | I can read and spellwords that end in ves, s and es.
MUST read and spell newwords correctly SHOULD-use newspellings in sentences. COULD-use sentencestructure from sentences found in guided reading sessions. | Present the childrenwith new spellings on IWB look at the spelling rules for wordsending with f, fe and ff. Children use whiteboards to make upsentences using new words with partner. | To write sentencesusing ideas for openers from guided reading sessions. | To write sentencesusing ideas for openers from guided reading sessions. | To write sentencesusing new spellings. | Target group oflower achieving boys to help with sentenceconstruction. | Peer mark sentencesusing 2 stars and a wish. Read out good examples. | ||
2 | To identifykeypresentationalfeatures of newspapers and magazines | I can identify andtalk about the features of a newspaper.
MUST identify andexplain the features of a newspaper.
SHOULD write ownheadlines for stories using powerful vocabulary.
COULD use alliterationand shorthand in headlines.
| Ask children toThink, Pair, Share why we have newspapers. Look at a range ofnational & local newspaper articles as a whole class. What featuresdo chn recognise already? Children note downkey words from discussion e.g. skyline, blurb, headline etc. Takefeedback. What will you be looking out for when you scan thenewspapers? Write some headlines on f/c: Terrible tornado threatenstown, Wonderful world record win, Bungling Burglar Bil. Discuss useof powerful words e.g. smashed, destroys and that only necessarywords are used not a, are, the etc. | Write headlines for alist of news stories based on traditional tales. Try to usealliteration, powerful vocabulary and shorthand. | To annotate keyfeatures of a newspaper e.g. the headline,introductory paragraph and quotes.Write headlines for alist of news stories using powerful vocabulary. | To identify keyfeatures of a newspaper e.g. the headline,introductory paragraph and quotes.Childrento cut out features, stick in Literacy books and annotate. | Riveting Romans Group3 Teacher support discussing ways of creating headlines for news stories. Create alist of words that create most impact use in ownheadlines.
| Re-order headlinesand subheadings and up level using WOW words. | ||
3 | To identifykeylanguagefeatures of newspapers e.g. 3rd person and pasttense. | I can identify andtalk about the language features of a newspaper.
MUST be able todistinguish1st person from 3rd person.
SHOULD-be able to turn1st person sentences into 3rd person.
COULD rewrite a recount inown words changing from 1st person to 3rdperson. | Give childrensubject, verb or a complement card (colour coded). Ask them to find2 other children to help them create a sentence. Use Expresso toview the key features of newspapers. Identify the languagefeatures e.g. use of 3rdperson & past tense. Show children sentences written in the1st person. Model how to turn into the 3rdperson and give children an example for them to do the same. | Rewrite Eden Camprecount in 3rd person. | Change & write outsentences from Eden Camp recount from the 1st person tothe 3rd person. | Change sentencestaken from Eden Camp recount from 1st to 3rdperson by crossing out & replacing words. | Excellent EgyptiansGroup 1 Discuss ways tore-write in own words. Write own captions under each picture anduse these as a way to write own sentences remembering to change1st to 3rd person. | Choose a nurseryrhyme, e.g. Jack and Jill, and turn it into the firstperson. | ||
4 | To use questionwords as an aide to writinga recount.
| I can use informationfrom a newspaper article to help me write a recount. | Read the newspaperarticle Humpty Dumpty (both versions) Think, Pair, Sharepresentational and language features. Take feedback. Discuss waysthe language is used to persuade the reader to take a certain view.Remind children of the 5 Ws used earlier in the unit. Who, What,When, Where, Who. In pairs, make notes on w/b from the articleunder each W. | Complete the tableWriting a news report in Literacy books. Use information from HeyDiddle Diddle article. | Complete the tableWriting a news report in Literacy books using the Humpty Dumptyarticle. | Complete the tableWriting a news report Write in sentences using examples from theclass text. |
| Give each group adifferentiated cut up newspaper front page. Children to put it backtogether in the right order. | ||
5 | To use interestingadjectives adjectival phrases to describe a character.
To ask and answerquestions in role.
| I can describe acharacter using powerful adjectives and adjectival phrases.
I can take on therole of a reporter and ask appropriate questions. | Begin by askingchildren what they think has happened to Mrs Townsley. Prepare anoral story telling the children that late last night an alienspacecraft landed on the school field and the teacher hasdisappeared. Teacher to take hot seat as the witness. Children inpairs to prepare questions then take on the role of areporter. | Chn write adescription of an alien and the spacecraft. They must use at leastone comparison and lots of unusual descriptive words. Describephysical appearance, their behaviour and nature | Map out main stagesof the oral alien story using a planning organiser. Think ofsuitable headlines. Teachersupport | Children to draw &label an alien. Encourage them to use as many unusual descriptivewords as possible. | N/A | Children share theirdescriptions on aliens. Teacher to help class make up differentheadlines for their reports for use in later lesson. | ||
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