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NamePoetry Unit 2 Week 1
DescriptionPoetry using the senses, links with science topic 'Ourselves'
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Communication, Language & Literacy Reception B

Short term Literacyplan TEACHERS: Unit title: Science thesenses and Literacy Poetry using the senses Date:15/9/08




Speaking &Listening




Text structure andorganisation


Group written sentencestogether in chunks of meaning.




Sentence structure,punctuation



Use capital letters and full stopswhen punctuating simple sentences


Organise ideas into a coherentstructure including layout, sections and paragraphs



Ensure that children also havea daily phonics or spelling session lasting at least 15 minutes anduse every opportunity to demonstrate how to apply phonic knowledgein reading and writing.


Applyphonic knowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading andspelling unfamiliar words that are not completelydecidable

Recogniseautomatically an increasing number of familiar high frequencywords

Spell new words usingphonics as the prime approach


Speaking, listeningand responding


Speak competentlyand creatively for different purposes and audiences, reflecting onimpact and response


Explore, develop andsustain ideas through talk.






Wholeclass carpet time






To listen to poems about the senses &identify words that describe what we see, hear, feel (touch), smalland taste.



Use & know what our 5 senses are forthrough different games & activities.




Children can listen to poems andidentify words and phrases that describe what we see, hear, feel(touch), small and taste.



Children can identify details oftheir sensory experience and start to select suitable words andphrases to describe these.


Write 3 sentences about 3 differentsenses.

Morning activities:see science lesson 1


General 5senses:

Read and allow children torespond in various ways to a range of poems and other simple,patterned texts that capture sensory experience in words.Read Five Senses poem.

Practise and read the texts inunison, following rhythm and keeping time.

Provide a practical activitythat allows children to explore what we mean by the five senses.Identify and discuss what the senses are.

Identify and discuss words inthe poems that describe what we can see, hear feel (touch) smalland taste. Classify the words and phrases used according to thesense to which they relate. Explore through paired discussion andactivity.

Model and invent actions to beperformed when reading or reciting the poems that will emphasisethe sensory descriptions. Children perform a chosen poem to othersin the class. Children listen to or watch others in the class anddiscuss the performance.


Children play a range of games toexplore their senses, for example identifying familiar objectsinside a feely bag, blindfolded tasting, identifying mysterysounds.

Begin to identify details of sensoryobservation and find simple words and phrases to describe these.Play additional games to encourage description of the senses, forexample describing an object or picture to another child who can'tsee it, describing subtle differences between very similar objects,sounds, smells.

With response partners childrenselect words to describe particular sensory experience and recordthese in writing.

Repeat some of the games recordingchildren's responses on a flipchart or interactive whiteboard(IWB).

Model 3 sentences about senses eg. Ilike to smell I like to taste I like to touch


Share your sentences with a partner &say why they chose them.


Thinking skills opp: ranking of bodyparts! Which one do you think is the most important & why?




To explore the sense of TOUCH & usedescribing words for things we feel.


To use a variety of different wordsto describe the things we are feeling.






Also see science lessonTouch.


Feely bag of 5 differentobjects:

With objects re afternoon. Hairbrush, ice pack, play dough,

Rotate around 3activities:

Feet in jelly, cornflakes,baked beans, etc.

Outside: Corn flour and water,sand and water, mud.

Shaving foam on table, fingerpainting.


TOUCH -PoemRosemary Rudd - JohnFoster


Work in pairs. Choose an object(from the objects this morning), while the other one closes theireyes. Hide behind their back & use describing words to see iffriend can guess the object. Eg. It feels hard, prickly, smoothetc

Ext: It isprickly and hard. What is it?

For each object brainstorm words thatdescribe them & display as poster of touch words.










Also see science lessonTaste.


Blind tasting.

Drawing likes anddislikes re taste.

Plasticine tongue andsurround with nice foods Yum!!



Ask the children to suggest foodsthat are fun to eat and explain why. Use photocopiable page 167Foods to give them some ideas, then add more. Record thechildrens suggestions and retain these for later use. Introducethe poem Tastes.

Speakingand listening

Tastes John Foster

Display Tastes poem from the CD-ROM and read it tothe class. Can the children recall the six foods described in thepoem? Hand out corresponding word cards from photocopiable page167, as each is suggested. Read the poem again. Repeat for theadjectives used to describe each food. Using the food cards asprompts encourage the children to rebuild the poem, creatingadditional cards if required. Recite the poem as a class. Identifythe two pairs of rhyming words cold/hold,spice/mice. Can they suggest other words which rhymewith cold and spice? Check understanding of new vocabulary. Discussthe value of the word nice as a describing word.


Independent work

Recap the fun foods suggested in theintroduction. Let the children choose a food they love to eat anddraw a picture of it and describe it.


Use p.168 spidergrams ifneeded.

Let children show and explain theirwork and piece suggestions together as a class poem. Recite thepoem together. Compare with John Fosters poem.


Read Soup poem.







HEARINGSounds Good JudithNicholls


Recap the work carried out so far,and then ask children to tell you sounds made when food is beingprepared, cooked, served or eaten. Explain that today they aregoing to recite a poem about food sounds and make up sound effectsto accompany the recital.


Speakingand listening

Display and read the poem SoundsGood from the CD-ROM with the children following. Ask them toidentify rhyming words. Do they notice anything about most of thedescriptions? (Use of alliteration.) Encourage children to identifythe fact that the initial letters are the same. Why do they thinkthe last line is in capital letters? (To be shouted!)


Independent work

Split the class into three groups byability. Allocate a verse to each group. Using percussioninstruments and any other materials available around the class,(cups and straws, recyclable materials such as polystyrene traysand so on, ask the children to invent sound effects to accompanythe words.




Perform the poem with sound effects -the whole class calling out IM HUNGRY at the end. Ask each groupto say what they liked about the other groups work.











Sniff, sniff,sniff Julia Donaldson


Introduce a new smell or aroma intothe room before the children come in, to stimulate a discussion.Lead into a discussion about favourite smells. Discuss smellsexperienced in different places (for example in the bathroom,kitchen, in a bakery, on a farm). Encourage descriptions of thesmells suggested.


Speakingand listening

Display and read Sniff, sniff,sniff from the CD-ROM. Identify the repeated lines in eachverse (first two and last). Highlight these. Once practised, invitethe class to read the repeated lines with you filling in thedescription of the smell. Elicit what the three smells are (cheese,vegetables and socks) Ask: How does the poem make you imaginethe smells? Which words tell you that the smells areunpleasant?


Independent work

You will need a variety of differentsubstances with strong smells (ginger, coffee, lemon, bubble bath,toothpaste). Split the class into groups, each to be accompanied byan adult. Sit each group in a horseshoe with a volunteer sittingblindfolded in the opening. Offer them the smell to describe(encourage descriptions not guesses). Record usefulvocabulary.



Beach picture what can you see andsmell?? Modelling in preparation for a beach outside and a fullbeach poem next week. What do we need for the beach nextweek?





Discuss the experience, likes &dislikes & what images the smells stimulated (familybreakfast).