Brenden is Teaching

Carolyn Mann

NameFormal Writing Week 1
Ownercarolyn mann
UnitFormal Writing
DescriptionNon fiction -formal writing: exploring the risks associated with children�s use of technology.
Outcomes: Leaflet giving safety guidance to children and parents, letter to headteacher about the leaflet.
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NLS Weekly Plan

NLS Weeklyplan.

Week Beg:



Book/Theme: Nonfiction -formal writing: exploring the risks associated withchildrens use of technology.

Outcomes:Leaflet givingsafety guidance to children and parents, letter to headteacherabout the leaflet.


Ability groups,mixed groups, pairs

1.Speaking Use talk toexplore ideas, topics or issues.

2. Listening andresponding Make notes anddiscuss how note-taking varies depending on context andpurpose

4.Drama Devise aperformance considering how to adapt the performance for a specificaudience

6. Wordstructure and spelling Spell familiarwords correctly and employ a range of strategies to spell difficultand unfamiliar words. Use a range of appropriate strategies toedit, proofread and correct spelling in their own work, on paperand on screen

7. Understandingand interpreting texts Appraise a textquickly, deciding on its value, quality or usefulness. Understandunderlying themes, causes and points of view

10. Textstructure and organisation Use variedstructures to shape and organise texts coherently

12.Presentation Select from awide range of ICT programs to present text effectively andcommunicate information and ideas


      To read,understand and identify features of formal/ officiallanguage

      To interpret andsummarise information from a variety of sources

      To deliver apresentation of findings to the class.










Whole classshared reading & writing



Independentgroup activities




WALT: identifyfeatures of a safety leaflet

TIB: we willeventually be producing one of our own.

Introduce topicto children and give an overview (link to work on persuasive anddiscussion texts recently completed). Ask ch. to discuss ownexperience of this type of writing


d read of firstpart of Mobile Phones and Driving fact sheet (ROSPA)-comprehension check. Annotate and discuss features, taking inputfrom children. Create checklist.

Explain maintask- children to annotate leaflet with features identifiedabove.

Orange: Workwith Miss Mann to find and label basic features in part one ofmobile phones and safety leaflet, then move to independent work-create spider diagram of childrens technology.


Yellow: labelbasic features independently and then begin to work with Miss Mannto identify, label and discuss more complex features.

Green/ blue/ red(mixed ability): use class checklist to identify and label featuresin Mobile Phones and Driving leaflet.


Extend- begin tocollect formal phrases they we can use in our own writing

Ask children toshare features found by annotating text on SMART board.


Review phrasesfound- evaluate and add these to a class display.

Take input fromorange group- what sorts of technology might we research for ourleaflet?


Invite childrento find info for next lesson in ICT suite/ library/ at home.

Mobile phones anddriving fact sheet and leaflet (ROSPA and Cornwall council) scannedinto SMART board + photocopied.


A1 paper forclass display of formal lang. phrases.



WALT: collect andinterpret formal information.

TIB: we willproduce a presentation to the class on the risks associated with anaspect of technology.


Recap work fromprevious lesson. Allocate technologies to research togroups.

Explain task- toproduce a Summary Board including pictorial representations andsimplified sentences to use in a presentation.


Shared read ofSafe Texting guide on SMART board. Model extracting main pointsfrom paragraphs to produce shortened sentences. Take input fromchildren.

Orange/ yellowgroup: Work with Miss Mann- watch BBC video on children and mobilephone use. Pause, replay and discuss in order to identify mainpoints. Children make notes on whiteboards and then copy in neatinto books.

Mixed abilitygroups.

Group 1: computeruse- gaming. Analyse and extract main points, produce bulletpointed list in books. If available, listen to Radio 4 documentaryCrossing Continents on gaming in South Korea.


Group 2: computeruse- internet safety and exploitation from manufactures, analyse insame way as above.


Group 3: computeruse- human health, e.g. obesity and eyesight (links to sciencetopic to extend more able children).


Children shareand discuss findings.


Ask children togive opinions about the reliability of the information- consideringsources


Explain nextsteps.

Variety ofsources of information taken from internet/ magazines andnewspapers/ reference books.


Pictures oftechnologies from catalogues.



WALT: collect andinterpret formal information

TIB: we willproduce a presentation to the class on the risks associated with anaspect of technology.


Give feedbackfrom yesterdays work.

Today we willbegin our Summary Boards. Discuss and model layout conventionswith children, taking input and suggestions. Children to mockup a layout for their boards in pencil- mini- plenary todiscuss.


Model translationof notes from yesterdays lesson into information on summaryboard.

What sorts ofpictorial representations should we include? Why?

Orange/ yellow:Work with Miss Mann in pairs to translate notes from yesterdayswork into short paragraphs to mount onto summary board. Begin toillustrate with pictures from magazines and catalogues and owndiagrams.


Provide supportas needed in form of word bank/ writing frames. Encourage childrento rehearse, write and re-read!!

Mixed abilitygroups:


Children workwithin their groups in pairs/ threes to produce a short paragraphto mount onto their summary boards. Illustrate with pictures/diagrams.

Children todisplay the work they have completed so far on table tops. Allgroups rotate around tables and evaluate.


Explain nextsteps- are their any props we could use to enhance ourpresentations?


Could we includeshort role plays?

Variety ofsources of information taken from internet/ magazines andnewspapers/ reference books.


Pictures oftechnologies from catalogues.


Large boards foreach group.


WALT: present ourfindings in an effective manner.


Begin bydisplaying a Summary Board from yesterdays lesson. Pick outgood features and discuss how it might be improved.


Recap goodpresentation features with the children and create achecklist.


Allow furthertime for groups to finish their boards and practise theirpresentations.

Groups take turnsto present their findings. Film presentations to evaluate inplenary.

Watchpresentations back on SMART board and evaluate.



Briefly explainnext steps- to collate information from all groups to produce ourformal safety leaflet.

As above plusvideo camera linked to SMART board.


WALT: improve ourcomprehension skills.


Re-examineTexting information on risks associated with use of mobilephones from read followed by discussion and comprehension checks.


Explorecomprehension questions together. Ask children to identifyquestions types and to tell me where they will find the answer(right there, search and find, author and me or in myhead?).



Orange group:work with Mrs Russell to answer questions orally and begin torecord answers in books.


Yellow group:work with Mrs Shamshad to answer questions (part 1) in completesentences.


Rehearse, write,re-read!!!

Green group: workwith Miss Mann to interpret and answer comprehension questions part1 and 2.


Red/blue (mixedability): answer comprehension questions independently.

Use readingcomprehension checklist to check work.


Take answers fromthe children and discuss.

Textinginformation text and questions photocopied one between two.