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Namepoetry unit 1
Descriptionriver poems
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Teaching Sequence: The Sea

Teaching andLearning Sequence : Unit 1 POETRY


Year group :5

Term :Autumn


Curricular target to engage thereader

I can use my planning frame to ordermy writing into paragraphs MUST

I can decide how to order myparagraphs to interest my reader SHOULD

I can choose a planning frame andadapt it to interest my reader COULD



(I can / I know / I understand)

Familiarisation/Immersion in text/Analysis (4 days)

Prior learning whatdo you know about poetry? What do you like about poetry? What doyou understand about the term free verse poetry Use silentreading time first week for children to read poems and record whythey liked it (POETRY JOURNAL)

Read The Rivers Storyby Brian Pattern. Talk partners to discuss what they liked /disliked about the poem.

Use Exploding a poem tohelp jot down ideas (whole class)

Read Jack Frost is PlayingCards at the Roadside by Brian Pattern (The Works p198).Repeat as above. Also read The Mud Mother by BP (The Worksp85). Discuss generally what it is that Brian Pattern tends towrite about and whether the class find the poems easy or hard tounderstand.

Read The Harvest Moon by TedHughes (p 78 A Year Full of Poems). What is the poem about?Discuss use of similes and metaphors to create an image. Showsimile & metaphor ppt.

Personificationis givinghuman traits (qualities, feelings, action, or characteristics) tonon-living objects (things, colors, qualities, orideas).

Use Exploding a poemsheet for children to analyse the poem. Children to work inpairs. Fish to work as a group with adultsupport.

WED TO FRI simile & metaphor starters forthe day

Simile and metaphorhomework activity



I can infer writers'perspectives from what is written and from what is implied


I can explore how writers uselanguage for comic and dramatic effects


Ican compare how a common theme is presented in poetry


Ican read and compare poems by two different poets




CapturingIdeas(1 day)

Read ImFree by John Kitchen (p184 The Works). Discuss free verse anduse the poem to make a list of criteria that could be used toevaluate free verse.

freeverse poetry is patterned by speech and images rather than byregular metrical schemes. freedomto use visual and sound effects as desired for surprise,thickening of meaning, symmetry, repetition, or simply for fun.Lines can also be shortened for speed, or segmented into clots ofwords or syllables to slow down the reading orcomprehension.

In freeverse the writer makes his/her own rules. The writer decides howthe poem should look, feel, and sound.

Introduce the ideathat the children are going to write a free verse about theirexperiences of a river.

Show images of riversand river features. Children to use talk partners to createsimiles and metaphors for these images post its. Children tocreate a word bank of imagery

Listen to Ma Smetva (journey of a river) forinspiration



Reflect on reading habits andpreferences and plan personal reading goals (Group / silentreading)


I can compare the usefulnessof techniques such as visualisation, prediction and empathy inexploring the meaning of texts






Shared Writing(1day)

Discuss river courses ieupper, middle, lower. Tell the children that they are going towrite about the journey of a river starting with the uppercourse.

Show image of fastflowing river and model writing an opening line or two to a freeverse. Consult list of criteria for free verse to see what couldbe improved or added.

Children to work inpairs and discuss a further line to the poem. Discuss ideas andadd another line to the poem. Fish towork as a group with adult support.

Children to plan theirown poems key words to use, journey taken, title

Pat to supportSeals, encourage use of similes and convert to metaphors

I can experiment with different poetic forms andstyles to write a class poem


Guided Writing(3days including editing & ICT?)

Recap yesterdays workfor upper river. Show images of middle river and discuss musicalaccompaniment. Repeat for lower river. Give children some time tothink about their poem and to listen to the music, slideshow ofphotos of rivers.

Children to write a freeverse poem of their own and evaluate against criteria.

Perform poems toclass.

If time publish usinglaptops(? Use silent reading time next week 4 children at atime). Could use keynotes



ScaffoldingIndependent writing

I can experiment with different poetic forms andstyles to write a poem


I can reflect independentlyand critically on my own writing and edit and improve it



Keylearning Outcome

To write their own free verse poem(preferably about something they know and that matters to them),drawing from the earlier reading and modelling, but also attemptingto find a style of their own.



All childrenmust

Most childrenshould

Some childrencould

Write a free verse poemabout rivers

Write a free verse poem about rivers andinclude similes to create a visual image

Write a free verse poem about rivers and usemetaphors in their writing to add interest for the reader andcreate a visual image

Reading poetry



Performing poetry




Creating poetry