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NameHandling data and measures
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Autumn/Spring/Summer1st/2ndDate: 11.02.08 1G C Unit 2 WEEK1 Handling data and measures





Individualassessment +/-

Key vocab





Direct teachinginput


Key questions andresources


Read and writenumerals from 0 to 20 then beyond use knowledge of place value toposition these numbers on a number track and number line.


TA same using numbers1-5 and only 2 numbers

On the board write 3numbers out of order. Ask children to write in order them on theirwhiteboards

Repeat usingdifferent numbers

Answer aquestion by selecting and using suitable equipment, and sortinginformation, shapes or objects; display results using tables andpictures

I can show what Ifound out so that other people will understand


Going to use skillsto solve problems. Write a list of ice cream flavour such asvanilla strawberry chocolate banana toffee Ask how can we find outwho likes which flavour best? Give the children time to discuss howthey would discuss their data maybe

Make a list ofeveryone in the class and write what they like best against theirname

Make a list of whichice cream flavours everyone likes on each table then put liststogether. Provide further suggestion that you give everyone a cubeTake turns to put cube by your favourite ice cream flavour. Invitechildren to do so. As questions about the result

Ask children to workin groups making a graph with pictures

Group 1 to ask whatkind of pets do you have

Group 2 What is yourfavourite crisp flavour

Group 3 favouritecolour

Group 4 Favouritesandwich


Use squared paper andplace cubes on relevant column, colour in




Choose one of thegraphs made and ask questions about it.



Graph paper andcubes


Read and writenumerals from 0 to 20 then beyond use knowledge of place value toposition these numbers on a number track and number line.

TA same using numbers1-5


As above extend thenumbers from 11 -20

Answer aquestion by selecting and using suitable equipment, and sortinginformation, shapes or objects; display results using tables andpictures

I can show what Ifound out so that other people will understand


Recap on previouslesson

ShowSmart Notebook (zipped)

Smart Notebook (zipped)

Make pictogram onabove

Children make ownpictogram using images and framework about our favouritepets.


If time chooseanother activity from above

Discuss graph madeand ask for suggestions of what other information we may put onto agraph.





Read and writenumerals from 0 to 20 then beyond use knowledge of place value toposition these numbers on a number track and number line.

TA same using numbers1-8


Repeat from Monday.This time include 4-5 numbers from the range 1-20.


Answer aquestion by selecting and using suitable equipment, and sortinginformation, shapes or objects; display results using tables andpictures

I can show what Ifound out so that other people will understand


Using the A3 copy ofthe pet show explain that this sheet shows a graph about animals ina pet shop. Ask questions such as How many dogs were there in theshow? How many cats? How many more/ fewer than ?

Children complete acopy of the Pet Show


LA with adultsupport


HA make a graphshowing the groups favourite zoo animal

Review sheettogether

Review HAgraph

Ask questions





Count on and back inones



Small group TA orange1-30

Count forward andback 1-100






Answer aquestion by selecting and using suitable equipment, and sortinginformation, shapes or objects; display results using tables andpictures

I can show what Ifound out so that other people will understand

Which is yourfavourite vegetable? How can we find out? Ask children to discussin groups. Feedback from each group.

Write list on boardof childrens suggestions.

Ask children forsuggestions of what the favourite vegetable might be.

Ask each group of 4children to collect their data about favourite vegetables. Ask themto decide how they will present their data (either as a pictogramor bar chart). Provide paper to do this.

Ask each group toshow their completed chart ask questions such as Which was the mostpopular vegetable? Which was the least popular? How many morechildren like- than -?

Make a class chartfrom the data and ask more questions as above.

use ITP data handlingto present the information on the screen





Count on and back inones


Small group TA orange1-30

Count forward andback 1-100








Answer aquestion by selecting and using suitable equipment, and sortinginformation, shapes or objects; display results using tables andpictures

I can show what Ifound out so that other people will understand


Ask children with ina group of 8 of a data collection that they could ask. If they findthis difficult suggest questions such as Which is the most popularshoe size? The most popular TV programme? Etc.

Children collect dataand present their chart.

Repeat review asyesterday using new data collected. Invite children to say whatthey have learned about making pictograms charts