Brenden is Teaching


NameHockey Skills
Unitinvasion games
Description6 week hockey lessons
File 1167_Hockey 6 week plan.doc
File 2

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Medium Term Plan


Main LearningObjectives

Childrenshould learn:




WarmUpMainActivity CoolDown

MainLearning Outcomes




Tocontrol a hockey ball close to the stick while dribbling.







Manthe Decks





Shoutout the instructions and children to carry out the actions as shownby the teacher.

Giveeach child a stick and ball.


Demonstrateto the children how to hold the stick and how to dribble the ballclosely to them.


RULES!!!!Stick no higher than the knee. Equipment on floor when givinginstructions.


Whatcould happen if you dont keep the ball close to you?

Withdomes dotted around the hall get children to dribble the ball closeto their sticks through different gates.

Onwhistle perform the following :-

Changedirection..Stop the ball and stand still

ChangespeedDribble in a zig zag.

Lookfor keeping ball close.

Touchingside of ball when dribbling.

Balanceand control.

Stopthe action when needed and demonstrate good practice again.

Howmany different gates can you dribble in and out of in 2minutes?

Havethe children walk around the area with their hockey ball being keptclose to their stick.


Collectin equipment; cool down muscles by performing slow movements aroundthe hall.



Childrenshould be able to move around a space with a hockey stick and ballbeing kept close by.




Holdthe hockey stick correctly and dribble the ball closely.






Straightup and down.


Ensureclose control at all times or have to start again.

Dogsand Sheep

Eachwith a ball or stick and small ball, freely spaced. Players closetheir eyes. The teacher taps half the players on the shoulder whobecome dogs, while those not tapped are sheep. On the signalthey open their eyes and dribble the ball

barkingor bleating accordingly, congregating with their own kind, untilthere are separate groups of dogs barking and sheepbleating.



Anyother animal or machinery noises.

Increasethe number of noises.


keepingthe ball close

seeingthe ball and seeing others

controlledchange of direction.


Collectequipment in slowly and get children to walk the lines, once theyhave walked and touched 5 different lines in the area move ontolining up.

Childrenshould be able to move around a space with a hockey stick and ballbeing kept close by.

Main LearningObjectives

Children shouldlearn:

NC Pos


WarmUp MainActivity Cool Down

Main LearningOutcomes


Sendingand receiving the ball

Howto send and receive a hockey ball correctly.



Onechild is it and the rest of the children try to run from one end ofthe hall to the other without being tagged.


Shouldthey get tagged they must stay facing the same way they were facingoriginally. They are not allowed to move their feet, only theirarms.


Childrentry to run and avoid each piece of seaweed and to avoid thetagger.

Repeatx 1

Demonstrateto children how to hold the hockey stick when sending and receivingthe ball.


Childrento pair up and to practice sending and receiving the ball through agate (2 domes which will get progressively smaller).


Childrento control stop and then send the ball back to theirpartner.


Howmany passes can you do in 1 minute? 2 minutes?


Progressthis onto working in groups of four and passing to each other in anopen area. Passing through small gates.

Allchildren in a circle, passing the ball across the circle to a namedperson.

Childrenshould be able to control a pass and pass to another personaccurately.


Sendingand receiving the ball


Howto send and receive a hockey ball correctly.




Callout a variety of exercises for the children to complete whiletrying to catch them out by not saying simon says.

Demonstrateto children how to hold the hockey stick when sending and receivingthe ball.


Dribblearound the hall with your ball (half have ball, half dont) oncommand stop your ball and pass it to another person without aball. Emphasise importance of keeping out of the way of others.Half without a ball stand still with stick ready to receive theball. Half with ball to dribble the ball around the area keeping itclose to them.


Introduce2v1 game.

Childrento play 2v1 and to practice sending and receiving the ball withcontrol and moving into space.







Smallshooting practice from distance.


Setup 2 sets of goals and get children to practice shooting at themfrom a distance of 5 metres approx from different angles.

Childrenshould be able to control, receive and send a passaccurately.

Main LearningObjectives

Children shouldlearn:

NC Pos


WarmUp MainActivity Cool Down

Main LearningOutcomes


Tacklingand defence.

Howto tackle when playing mini hockey and how to keep the ball foryourself.


Followyour leader.


Getchildren to pair up and on command have to try and follow theirleader around the area.


Remindchildren of need for quick changes of direction, speed and level ifneeded.



Givehalf children hockey stick and ball, and other half only hockeystick.


Demonstrateto the children how to tackle a person in hockey and how to do itfairly. Demonstrate also how to make sure that you dont lose theball.


Beforemoving onto this drill it is important that the children recognisethe importance of following the rules of hockey closely.



Donot raise your stick higher than knee height.

Youcannot use your body to protect the ball

Youcan only use one side of the hockey stick to dribble with.

Halfwith ball begin dribbling the ball around closely to them.

Oncommand other children attempt to retrieve their ball back fromtheir partner.



Half wiHHHHHKKiihihugyufhfhjj,NBJH

Childrento take turns walking a slalom course dribbling their ball beforeattempting a long range shot into the empty goal.


Watchfor close control, accurate shooting. Keeping the stick below theknee, dragging the stick to get power.

Thechildren should be able to tackle and win the ball in a fairmanner.


Teamplay and tactical awareness.

Toshow all skills taught in a game situation.


Cupsand saucers

Havedomes spread around the hall either the right way up (cup) or otherway (saucers). Split children into two groups, on command thechildren are to try and turn as many domes as possible into eithera cup or a saucer. Winning team is team with most cups orsaucers.

SmallSided Games

Remindchildren of everything we have learned so far.

NOsticks above knee high.

Lookup and try to pass.

Findspace for a pass.

Communicationis the key.

Ifyou can shoot, shoot!

Splitchildren into 5 teams of 6 and play small sided games with opengoals.

Toscore children must be in opposing half.

Encouragepassing and moving as much as possible.

Beatthe teacher.


Setup a slalom dribble and get children to take turns to have a go andthen to shoot at the teacher to try and score a goal.

Childrenshould be able to work as a team and show tactical awareness in agame situation.





Risk Assessment:

*identify areasto stay clear prior to lesson beginning *check children for lacestied, jewellery removed, wearing correct footwear and clothing*check balls prior to lesson *ensure children move to hall in asensible manner *playground and hall checked for hazards *knowemergency and accident procedures *brief other adult helpers priorto lesson beginning.


This will takeplace when needed and will be identified by the teacher deliveringthe lesson. More able children will be identified and given tasksthat will push their ability further. Less able will be givenfurther help if available or if deemed necessary.

Resources Needed:

Hockey Sticks,Hockey balls, Uni Hoc Set, Hockey Red Goals, domes, cones,skittles.


Children must be able to:-

Hold a hockey stick in thecorrect manner and control a moving ball. Keep the ball close totheir stick when walking.

Children should be able to:-

Hold a hockey stick in the correctmanner and control a moving ball. Pass and receive a ballaccurately. Dribble with the ball staying close to theirstick.

Children could be able to :-

Hold a hockey stick in the correctmanner and control a moving ball. Pass and receive a ballaccurately. Accurately shoot towards goal. Dribble with the ballstaying close to their stick at speed.

Cross Curricular Links:-


Individual and team scoring andtiming.


Making up and agreeing rules.Working co-operatively with children we normally wouldnt workwith.


Awareness of breathing and pulserate.

Investigating how the body changesduring exercise.



Should children not have made asmuch progress as I would like: lessons 5 and 6 will be replaced bya combination of the skills being taught in lessons 1-4 to graspthe fundamental skills of hockey better? This will include holdingthe stick correctly, passing and receiving the ball, controllingthe ball, and dribbling the ball with control.