Brenden is Teaching


NameSC1 part 3
DescriptionSC1 planning for Spring terms 3 & 4
File 153_Science unit of work spring 1.doc
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Unit: Poetry - Exploring the Senses

Unit: Science SC1 ChoosingEquipment/Presenting evidence

Date: Starting10/12/07

Year group: Year 2


 Sharedlearning and teaching 




I canStatements



SillyIdeas This activityoffers silly ways of measuring. Ask the chn if they can think ofbetter ways of measuring. What would they use? Why?

Skill Activity 14- Silly ideas on a piece of A3 paper per group. They then make somesensible suggestions and record.

Discuss the sillyideas and their own sensible ideas. 

To choosesuitable equipment from a limited range.   

I can choosesuitable equipment from a limited selection.



WhichOne? This activityasks chn to decide what they should use to measure the distancesomeone can jump. In this instance, the choice is from bothnon-standard measures (interlinking cubes, straws and string) andstandard measures (tape measure, ruler). Choice depends on ease ofuse. Maybe some difficulties with each see guide sheet. Discussthe sheet with the chn and model some different options.

It also asks chnto use their choice of equipment to measure each others jump. Theycould then either draw or write what they did, thus enablingteacher to check they are measuring correctly.

Skill Activity 15 Fill in sheet after discussing on board. In pairs carry out theinvestigation how do we keep it fair? What form of measurementdid they decide on?

Discuss how faireach pairs test was and how we could record our results promptthem to suggest a table.

To choosesuitable equipment for measuring length.  

I can choosesuitable equipment for measuring length. 



Working backwardsfrom the table to the investigation Show chna completed table as per the once on the sheet. Ask them to saywhat they think the investigation was about. Try to bring out theimportance of headings and show what things are being tested thecompetitors. Talk to the chn about the structure of the table,pointing out that it has 2 columns, each with a heading at the top.Read the words in the table with the chn.

Ask questions tothe whole class as they answer on an answer sheet such as: Hereis a table. What do you think the investigation is about? Whichparts of the table told you what it was all about? How many rubsdid it take to make a hole in the nylon? How do you know? How manyfabrics did they test? Suppose they found another fabric to test,like denim. Where would they put it in the table? Where in thetable do you put the things you are testing (thecompetitors)?

Go throughsuggested answers to the questions and discuss.

To becomefamiliar with the structure of a table and the information recordedon it.  

I can becomefamiliar with the structure of a table and the information recordedon it. 



Why do we usetables? One of thereasons we use tables is that its easer to get info from tablesthan from text. We will look at both versions of results anddiscuss. Draw up a large version of the same info written in testand in a table, as per the example. Hold up both versions in frontof the chn and quickly ask as question such as How far did theblue car go? Or Which car went 7 straws? Ask the chn topoint to the place where they found the answer. Ask them why theyused the table rather than the text to find the answer. They shouldnotice that it is much easier to get info from a table.

Skill Activity 17- Split class into 2 large groups, one with each adult. Large tableon a piece of A2 paper. They are given a text version of theresults of an experiment and, with plenty of guidance from theadult, they are to piece together a form on table for theresults.

Feedback to theclass the chns own tables.

To know that itis easier to get information from a table than fromtext.  

I know thatit is easier to getinformation from a table than from text.  



Find whatswrong Show chn theinvestigation on the worksheet and discuss what is going on. Helpthem study the pictures. Ask the chn to look at the table ofresults and tell them that there were some mistakes made. It istheir job to spot them and then write the table correctly.

Skill Activity 18 The chn are to use the answers discovered in the main session andfill in the blank table with the correct words and values.

1.    The sand grew 7blocks, not 8

2.    The peat grew 9blocks, not 10

3.    The word gravel,not 6, should be in the first column.

Feedback to theclass the chns own ideas.

To know how touse a 2-column table.

I can use a2-column table. 


Using a table Show chn theworksheet and discuss what is happening.

Skill Activity 19- Chn are to complete the table using the information in thepictures, independently, except purple group and blue group withadult support.

Share chnstables at the front of the class and discuss if they are successfulor not.

To know how toconstruct a 2-column table.

I can construct a2-column table. 


Make a classpictograph Have alreadyprepared blank pictograph on a large piece of paper very simple,such as How do you get to school in the morning? Chn willcome to the front and stick a picture on the pictograph thatrepresents their mode of transport they are to draw it on a smallpiece of paper and cut out at their table and then we will cometogether to record.

Discuss theresults of the pictograph. Why are these forms of graph useful forlooking at results?

To showinformation on a pictograph

I can showinformation on a pictograph.


From directmeasurement to a block graph Skill Activity 21- Discuss the difference between a pictograph and a blockgraph. We will look at the question: Which fabric will stretchthe most? Using cotton socks, lycra tight socks and woollysocks. Put them on a washing line above a table. Sink a tennis ballinside them and see which ones stretch the most. Measure by cuttingstrips of squared paper from the table height to the bottom of thesock. This can then be directly transferred to the block graph,prepared already. Discuss the heading and the axis labels with thechildren.

Discuss theresults of the measurements and block graph.

To show how ablock graph represents measurements.

I can show how ablock graph represents measurements.


Movinginformation from a table to a block graph Skill Activity 22- We will be spending time looking at how to create blockgraphs from tables. Make up a larger than life table and put allthe info onto A4 pieces of paper stuck on with Blu-Tack. Invite chnin turn to move the pieces of paper from the table to a large classblock graph. They will have to swap the numbers in the table forcolumns of squared paper so it is blocks.

Discuss therelationship between the table and the graph. All the informationhas been transferred.

To know how totransfer information from a table to a block graph.

I know how totransfer information from a table to a block graph.


Spot the mistakes- Show chn theinvestigation on the worksheet and discuss what is going on. Helpthem study the block graph. Ask the chn to look at it and tell themthat there were some mistakes made.

It is their jobto spot them and circle them. Come back together as a whole classand do it on the board on large A3 version. Adjust our largeversion by covering mistakes and adjusting.

1.    The second labelon horizontal axis should be wood not sand paper

2.    The horizontalaxis should be labelled Material

3.    The column forthe sand reads 3cm not 2cm

4.    The column forthe stones reads 2cm not 1cm

To know how todraw up a block graph from a table.

I know how todraw up a block graph from a table.